
发布 2022-12-23 22:03:28 阅读 5376



1. where did you go?

2. what did you do?

3. how was the weather there?

4. how were the people there?

5. how was the food there?

6. what did you think of your vacation?

一)my vacation

last sunday ,i went to qingdao with my with parents .we went there by train . i loved it at once as soon as i went into the city .

the weather there was fine and not too hot .we went to the beautiful beaches .we picked a lot of shells, fishes and we had great fun playing in the water .

for meals ,we ate a lot of sea food .there are many big shops in qingdao .we went shopping after lunch every day .

the people were very friendly to us .i had a wonderful time in qingdao .

二)i went to the countryside on vacation with my parents last year. in the village i lived with my grandparents. the weather was very fine, but sometimes it was windy and rained.

the villagers there were friendly and the food tasted quite great. i made many good friends. i often did some work with my father in the fields.

sometimes i also did something special. for example, i fed some small animals such as hens, ducks and pigs. i felt like i was a flying bird freely.

i had a wonderful tome there.

三)saturday, april 12

it was a fine day today. i got up very early. after breakfast i did my homework at about half past eight.

at ten o’clock in the morning i helped my mother clean the house. at twelve thirty i went to my grandma. she cooked delicious meals for me.

in the afternoon i played ping-pong with my best friend li ling. we had a good time.


my name is nick. i do exercise every day .i run in the morning and play basketball after school .

i often eat vegetable and fish .i often drink cola , because i like it . i sleep seven hours a night .

i feel tired sometime. i don’t think my lifestyle is good. i h**e to stop drinking too much cola .

i also need to sleep more. i hope to h**e a better lifestyle.

二)here are the results of the student activity survey in class 2, grade 8. most students watch tv every day. some students watch tv twice a week.

and some students watch tv four times a week. some students h**e sports every day. some students h**e sports twice a week.

and most students h**e sports four times a week. all the students do homework every day.

robert 的朋友jack上周给他写了一封信,向他询问有关保持健康的方法。请你以robert的名义给jack回封信告诉他你的建议:1.





dear jack,thank you for your last letter. let me tell you how to keep healthy. first ,you should exercise every day.

second, eating more vegetables and fruit is good for your hearth, and try to less meat or junk food. third, you h**e to drink milk every day. it helps you keep healthy.

don’t spend too much time playing games online. read more books. also, you’d better not watch too much tv, and you should sleep at least eight hours.

i hope you are in good health.


in our class we are not only classmates but also brothers and sisters. we should learn from each other and each other. to build a strong class, we should work together.

when someone makes a mistake, don’t laugh at him or her. we should help those who are weak in some subjects. if you don’t agree with somebody, you should give your reasons in a friendly way.

don’t hurt him or her.

二)i h**e a good friend. her name is lily. she is outgoing and hard-working.

her father is a doctor and her mother teaches music in our school. lily began to learn singing when she was only three. she is good at singing now.

she has a guitar and plays it well. so we always ask her to our birthday parties. she often sings some popular songs at the parties.

we all think she is a good girl and like her very much.

三)**信息,介绍一下peter与tom之间异同,不少于60 词。

peter and tom are good friends. they look the same. they both like playing basketball.

they study very hard. and they don’t like junk food or meat. but they also h**e something different.

peter is more outgoing than tom. and he likes going camping and going for vacations. he is good at music and

tom is very. he likes to stay at home to read ,watch tv or watch movies. he is good at english and math.

everyone in their class loves them very much.



问题提示:my f**orite festival is the spring festival. it usually comes in february.

during the spring festival, we h**e a lot of interesting things to do and nice food to eat. especially we can get some presents. wherever they are, our relatives will come back home.

and we h**e a get-together, make dumplings and enjoy ourselves.

now more and more people celebrate west festivals in china, and christmas day is the most popular. i think we should stop doing that. festivals are an important part of the tradition festivals.

i think chinese festivals are more exciting.


一八短文二篇。积累运用 1.名二子说 作者字朝代 文学家。与其子合称同列。2.记承天寺夜游 作者字号朝代 文学家。3.给下列加点字注音。盖轸 辙 车仆 马毙 藻荇交横 未寝 承天寺 竹柏 4.解释下列加点字词的含义。1 轮辐盖轸 2 皆有职乎车 3 而轼独若无所为者 4 吾惧汝之不外饰也 5 天下之...


短文两篇 同步训练。一 基础部分。1 下列加点的字的读音有误的一项是 a.旸谷 浸润 b.皓月 姮娥 c.一撮灰 露台 d.瞬间 夸父 2 下列成语运用正确的一项是 a.平时,大家抓紧时间学习,陈冬却玩得痛快。要大考了,他天天开夜车,结果得了大病,连大考都不能参加。真是自作自受。b 这一伙人,狼狈为...


短文两篇 同步练习。一 给下列加点字注音或按拼音写出相应的汉字。1.一瞬间 谷 3.浸润4.一撮 5.寂寞 月 7.姮娥 二 辨析下列多音字的读音,在括号内写拼音,在横线上组词。1.宁2.舍3.的 三 解释下列加点词。1.宁愿2.甘愿。3.一瞬间4.凭栏。四 填空。1 日 和 月 的作者是 选自原载...