
发布 2022-12-23 13:47:28 阅读 9675


1、habit n 习惯(可数) eating habits 饮食习惯。

eg:i h**e a good eating habit.

an eating habit

2、try 努力,试图。

try to do sth 尽力干某事 eg:we should try to eat lots of vegetables.

he tries to study english well.

try doing sth 试着干某事 eg:he tries learning english.

3、look after=take care of 照料,保管。

eg:my mother isn’t in,i must look after my sister well.=…i must take good care of my sister.

look after sb well=take good care of sb 好好照顾某人。

look for 寻找(表示动作)eg:he is looking for his book.

look at +某人/某物。

look like =be like =look the same看起来像 eg :a and b look the same.

4、grade “年级“ eg:i’m in class2,grade 8.

成绩” get good grades 取的好成绩。

eg:my eating habit helps me get good grades.=my eating habies help me get good grades.

5、⑴different (adj)不同的 ①放在名词复数前作定语②放在系动词后作表语。

same (adj)相同的 ①作定语,和the 连用,放在名词单数前② 作表语,和the连用,放在系动词后。

eg:we are in the same class. we are in different classes.

be different from 与…不同 be the same as 与…相同。

eg:i am different from him. i am the same as him.

his homework is the same as mine.(名词性物主代词:hers ,yours)

difference n (可数) 一般用复数:differences

6、help sb(to) do sth=help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事。

7、be healthy=be in good health =keep healthy=stay healthy =keep in good health 健康的。

eg:i’m pretty healthy. i look after my health.

8、my eating habits are pretty good.(作定语,用动名词)

i never drink coffee. she never drinks coffee.

9、little 表示“否定”含义。

less 反义词 more“更多的”

eat less meat 少吃肉 eat more vegetables 多吃蔬菜。

eg:we should eat more vegetables and less meat.

10、keep ①keep sb doing sth

keep sth +adj(宾补)

keep (系)+表(adj)

eg: we should keep our classroom clean.

unit21、 询问病情(事情):怎么了?

1 what’s the matter(with sb)?=what’s the trouble?

what’s the problem?=what’s wrong?=what’s up?

2 do you h**e a cold?

2、 描述病情:①i h**e athroat







②i h**e a cold/fever/cough/running nose.

3、提出建议:①advice 建议(不可数)

give sb some advice=give some advice to sb

eg:can you give me some advice? would you like some bananas?(不改any)

take medicine 吃药。

take your temperature please 量一**温。

3、 ago adv 以前,一段时间+ago

two hours ago five years ago

用在一般过去时中:eg:he came to our classroom two hours ago.

i started to teach english 25 years ago.

he went to school by bike two years ago.

4、 so pron 如此,代替上文提到的内容。

--she is a good student.

--i think so.=i agree.

--i don’t think so.

5、illness n sick 生病的 be illness

sick +n

6、advice n 建议 some advice 一些建议。

a piece of advice 一条建议。

two pieces of advice 两条建议。

eg:can you give me some advice?

接受建议:①i think so。

that sounds good

like a good idea.

are right.

i agree.

7、句型:①i’m not feeling well.=i don’t feel well.

when did it start?

it started about two days ago.

i’m sorry/happy to hear that.(作原因状语)

i’m glad/nice to see/meet you.

nothing serious

8、hope +宾语从句(多用于将来时) hope to do sth

eg:i hope you feel better soon. i hope to see you soon.


10、way:①路 the way to+某地 eg:can you tell me the way to the hospital?

②思路,方法 a way to do sth 做…的方法。

eg:this is a good way to work but the problem,…

③on one’s way home 在某人回家的路上 eg:on my way home,i met my good friend.

④by the way 顺便说。

11、believe v 相信。

①believe +宾语从句 eg:i believe(that)he will come here tomorrow.

i believe what he said.

②believe sb 相信某人的话eg:i believe him.=i believe what he said.

③believe in sb 相信某人eg:i believe in him。

④believe sb +adj 相信某人怎么样。

eg:i believe he is honest.=i believe him honest.

否定句:i don’t believe he is honest.

12、angry adj 生气的 angrily adv 生气地。

get angry=be angry 生气 eg:i get angry.


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