
发布 2022-12-22 08:38:28 阅读 5892






第ⅰ卷 (选择题共80分)



1. a. we stayed in hainan for a long time.

b. we had a lot of free time when living in hainan.

c. we enjoyed ourselves in hainan last week

2. a. i started collecting stamps three years ago.

b. i started collecting stamps when i was three.

c. i’ve been collecting stamps for two years.

3. a. could you please turn up your music?

b. could you please turn down your music?

c. would you mind turning on your music?

4. a. there are more people in china than in india.

b. there will be more people in india than in china.

c. there is more population in china than in india.

5. a. i don’t know my new classmates very well.

b. i don’t know how to find my new classmates.

c. i don’t know how to get on with my new classmates.


6. what does the girl think of a notebook?

a. she thinks it’s special. b. she thinks it’s boring. c. she thinks it’s cheap.

7. when will peter go to shenzhen?

a. this summerb. this winterc. next month.

8. what was tom doing when the telephone rang?

a. he was watching tv. b. he was cooking dinner. c. he was taking a shower.

9. what was mike going to do that saturday?

a. he was going to visit his grandmab. he was going to amy’s party.

c. he was going to see his uncle.

10. what does jack tell the girl to do?

a. practice dancing every day. b. practice playing the piano every day.

c. practice singing every day.



11. what will the weather be like tomorrow?

a. sunnyb. rainyc. cloudy.

12. what day is it today?

a. it’s thursdayb. it’s fridayc. it’s monday.


13. what time did jim call lily last night?

a. at about sevenb. at eightc. at half past seven.

14. where was lily when jim called her?

a. at homeb. at the cousin’s party. c. in the cinema.

15. what are they doing this saturday?

a. going hikingb. going fishingc. going bike riding.


has to take exams insubjects this time.

17. ted’s math teacher said he wasn’tenough.

18. ted is good atso he doesn’t worry about it.

19. ted doesn’t do well inand he just wants to get a c in it.

20. ted spent much time onand he hopes to make progress in it.

二、单项选择题 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


21. jenny___an old friend of __when she was walking along the bank of the river.

a. meet, hersb. met, herc. met, hisd. met, hers

22. –they h**en’t paid for their tickets, h**e they?

they didn’t pay any money.

a. yes, they h**eb. no, they h**en’t c. yes, they h**en’t d. no, they h**e

23. about __of the students in our class were born in the __

a. two-thirds, 1990’s b. two-thirds, 1990s c. two-third, 1990 1970s

24. –does your grandpa livesyes, but he never feels

a. alone, alone b. lonely, lonely c. lonely, alone d. alone, lonely

25. when you don’t know the meaning of the word, you’d betterin a dictionary.

a. look up itb. look for itc. look it upd. look it for

26. why not order some flowers onlinefor the shop everywhere?

a .instead of looking b. instead looking c. instead of look d. instead look

27. my parents don’t like mike, and they are___my ****** friendshim.

a. for, withb. against, with c. disagree, with d. on, to

28.--h**e you ever done anything for charity?

---yes. i raise money for the students in the __area of china every year.

a. poorb. richc. modernd. developed

29. if children can make good use of the internet, it will h**e a good __on them.

a. resultb. advicec. messaged. influence

30. this pair of skates __expensive.

a. are much too b. are too much c. is much too d. is too much

31. the little girl is veryand she always talks to others

a. polite, polite b. polite, politely c. politely, polite d. politely, politely

32. would you mind___your dictionary?


11.如图,四边形中,且。则四边形的面积为 a 84 b 36 c d 无法确定。12.反比例函数y 与正比例函数y 2kx在同一坐标系中的图象不可能是 13.如图,直线y kx k 0 与双曲线y 交于a b两点,bc x轴于c,连接ac交y轴于d,下列结论 a b关于原点对称 abc的面积为定值...


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