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八年级上unit 2单元测评(人教新目标有答案)

(45分钟 100分)


. 听力(10分)

ⅰ)录音中有五个句子, 听一遍后, 选择与其相符的**。(5分)

1. don’t eat too much junk food, it’s not good for your health.

2. fruit and vegetables are good for our health.

3. the girl exercises every morning.

4. i often surf the internet on weekends.

5. my mother wants me to drink milk every day.

答案: 1~5. debac

ⅱ)录音中有两段对话, 听两遍后, 选择最佳答案。(5分)

听第一段对话, 完成第小题。

6. how often does the girl watch tv?

a. every day.

b. once a week.

c. three times a week.

7. what’s her f**orite program?

a. sports news.

b. animal world.

c. english today.

答案. cb

听第二段对话, 完成第8~10小题。

8. does julia like milk?

a. no, she doesn’t. b. yes, she does.

c. we don’t know.

9. how often does john eat hamburgers?

a. once a weekb. every day.

c. twice a day.

10. what must john do to keep healthy?

a. eat lots of hamburgers.

b. eat lots of junk food.

c. eat more vegetables.

答案: 8~10. bbc

. 单项选择(10分)

1. we eat junk food, so we’re healthy.

a. alwaysb. usually

c. oftend. hardly ever

解析】选d。考查频度副词。always“总是; 一直”; usually“通常”; often“常常; 经常”; hardly ever“几乎不”。


2. (2013·安顺中考)doing exercise good for your health.

a. beb. amc. is d. are

解析】选c。考查主谓一致。句意: 做运动对你的健康有益。动名词(短语)作主语时, 谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。

3. the teacher asked us not too much time playing computer games.

a. spendb. to spend

c. taked. to take


老师要求我们不要花费太多时间玩电脑游戏。ask sb. not to do sth.

“要求某人不要做某事”; spend(time)doing sth. “花费时间做某事”。

4. (2013·内江中考)the old man is a good swimmer, and even now he often swims

tuojiang river after supper.

a. overb. throughc. to d. across


这位老人是一位很好的游泳者, 甚至到现在, 他经常晚饭后游过沱江。over指物体的正上方, through指从物体内部穿过, to“到……”across指从物体表面穿过。

5. —would you like some more bread?

no, thanks. i’m .

a. hungryb. fullc. busy d. thirsty


—你还想要更多的面包吗? —不, 谢谢。我饱了。

full意为“饱的”; hungry“饥饿的”; busy“忙碌的”; thirsty“口渴的”。

6. my parents want me more exercise.

a. takeb. takes c. taking d. to take

解析】选d。考查非谓语动词。句意: 我父母想让我多锻炼。want sb. to do sth. “想让某人做某事”, 固定搭配。

7. now the train service is very good. the trains are on time.

a. hardlyb. always

c. neverd. sometimes


8. they are very tired, they feel happy because they’ve finally finished their project.

a. sob. although c. if d. but

解析】选b。考查连词辨析。句意: 尽管他们很累, (但)他们感到很高兴, 因为他们最终完成了任务。although引导让步状语从句, 意为“尽管; 虽然”。

9. —do you h**e a sports meeting in your school?

twice a year.

a. how longb. how often

c. how fard. how soon

解析】选b。考查疑问词辨析。how long“多长时间”; how often“多久一次”, 询问频率; how far“多远”; how soon“多久之后”, 通常用于将来时。

由答语“一年两次”知提问频率, 故选b。

10. —i’d like a ticket to the sound of music.

sorry, there is left.

a. some b. nonec. anyd. many


—我想要一张《**之声》的票。——对不起, 没有剩余的了。some“一些”, 常用于肯定句中; none“没有”; any“一些”, 常用于一般疑问句或是否定句中; many修饰可数名词复数。


. 完形填空(20分)

ted is my brother. he had a 1 lifestyle before. for example, he hardly ever 2 up before seven o’clock in the morning.

after supper, he always played computer games 3 doing his homework. he didn’t like drinking milk and he ate a lot of 4 every day.

then one day, he got ill. he had to be in hospital 5 . then he knows that he must 6 himself well.

now ted 7 early every morning. usually he runs before breakfast. he only plays computer games 8 saturdays or sundays.

he has good 9 habits, too. he drinks milk every day. 10 he likes junk food very much, he only eats it once a week.

a good lifestyle helps him keep healthy.


一 短语。1.去纽约市2.夏令营。3.去参加夏令营4.参观博物馆。5.参观 走访 某地6.进行某人的假期。7.去中心公园8.为考试学习 复习 9.思考 考虑10.一次 长途 汽车旅行。11.很讨厌的 糟糕的12.整天 13.去漂亮的海滩 玩14.做某事很开心 高兴地做某事 15.在水里玩16.去博物...


4.问多长时间 how long are you staying?for four days.i m going to tibet for a week.how long are you going to tibet?back come back get back 回来get back here t...


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