
发布 2022-12-21 02:34:28 阅读 1237

4. why don’t you talk to your parents?

课文全析。1. i h**e too much homework so i don’t h**e any free time to do things i like.

翻译。free time

i like 在这里是一个定语从句,修饰的是先行词things.在这里省略了that 或者which

2. i’m really tired because i studied until midnight last night.

翻译。midnightlast night

until :在肯定句中的意思是:直到…….为止。在否定句中的意思是。

3. why don’t you go to sleep earlier this evening?

翻译。why don’t you do sth


4. i am not good at writing letters.

翻译。be good at

5. i h**e a fight with my best friend. what should i do?

翻译。h**e a fight with

what should i下一步我该怎么版。

6. i found my sister looking through my things.

翻译。find sb doing sth我发现她正在厨房做饭。

7. did she give them back to you ?

翻译。give ……back to sb我已经把书还给她了。

8. my problem is that i can’t get on with my family.

翻译。get on with sb

9. i don’t know if i should say anything to them about it.

翻译。本句是一个由if 引导的宾语从句的复合句。if 在句子中的意思是。

10. when they argue, it is like big,black cloud hanging over our home.

翻译。hang over

11. he always refuses to let me watch my f**orite tv show.

翻译。refuse to do sthlet sb do sth

12. i don’t think it is fair.

翻译。主句如果是i/we think ,那么在将句子改为否定句的时候,应该否定即可,而不是否定从句,这种现象叫做“否定的转移”

we think they come from new york.改为否定句为。

13. i hope you will feel better in future.

翻译。in future 在本句中的意思是in the future

14. you could tell her that this makes you angry.

翻译。make sb adj在这里形容词是做宾语补足语,表示的是宾语的状态或者是性质。 这个消息使我开心。

15. although he is you best friend, you should tell him that copying others’ homework is wrong.

翻译。copy one ‘s homework

16. you are afraid of speaking in front of people.


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案。语言点 1.i h e too much homework so i don t h e any free time to do things i like.此处to do things 是动词不定式作后置定语,修饰名词time 辨析 too much,much too,too many 专练 ...


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