
发布 2022-12-20 07:32:28 阅读 5958





1. eating too much junk food is bad for your h___

2. he usually goes to school on f___

3 .the baby only has two t___he can’t eat apples.

4. lily can help b___her sister when her mother goes out.

5. mrs. zhanghɑ:dli/exercises, so she is unhealthy now.

6. cctv 9 english news is lucy’s f**orite tv p___

7. “take this m___and soon you will be better,” said the doctor.

8. yao ming is a f___basketball player in the world.

9. my mom often gets up e___to cook breakfast for me every day.

10. tom is watching a soccer __mt/on tv.


11. my mother asked my sister to drink the milktwo) a week.

12. i always __drink) a glass of water after getting up.

13. i’m very happy because i got goodgrade) in the exams.

14. most students ridethey) bicycles to school.

15. is ted __go) to the dentist tomorrow?

16. thanks forinvite) me to your party.

17. can you come and __join) us for the soccer match this afternoon?

18. there are manydifferent) between a city and a country.

19. to keep the balance of yin and yang is atradition) chinese way to be healthy.

20. they areplan) to visit beishan park tomorrow.


21. what do you usually do __weekend?

a. onb. in c. ford. with

22. the __woman is in hospital.

a . c. badly

23. the bag is very he**y. there are __books in it.

a. too many b. much too c. too much d. too little

24. –let’s go out for a picnic on sunday.

a. nice to meet you b. here you are

c. the same to you d. good idea

25. –how do you go to work every day?

–i __my bicycle.

a. ride b. drive c. take d. walk

26. it took us three days __the work.

a. finishing b. to finish c. finished d. finish

27. eating a __diet __your health.

a. balancing; good b. balanced; bad

c. balance; bad d. balanced; is good for

28are you staying in beijing?

three weeks.

a. how often; for b. how long; for c. when; on d. how many; in

29. _he was ill yesterday, _he still went to school.

a. thoughb. /though c. though; but d. but;though

30. jeff goes to work __and his wife goes to work __

a. by car; on her bikeb. by a car; on her bike

c. by cars; by bikesd. by his car; by her bike


31. the smiths are staying in china for two weeks. (对划线部分提问)

the smiths staying in china?

32. she has to study for a test. (改为一般疑问句)

she __to study for a test?

33. mary goes to movies once a week. (对划线部分提问)

does mary go to movies?

34. many students get to school by bus. (对划线部分提问)

do many students __to school?

35. john can go to the movies on friday evening. (改为否定句)

johnto the movies on friday evening.


36. 你应该喝些加蜂蜜的热茶。

you should drink some hot tea __honey.

37. 我现在迫不及待地想游览五大湖。

ito visit the great lakes now.

38. 你爸爸多长时间看一次电视呀?

does your father watch tv?

39. 也许你应该去看牙医。

yousee a dentist.

40. 她家离学校有多远?

is ither househer school?


a: jane, national day is coming. _41___

b: i am going to visit my aunt.

a: your aunt? _42___

b: she lives in beijing.

a: _43___

b: i’m going to stay there for a week.

a: great! _44___

b: i’m going there by train.

a: that sounds interesting.

b: what about you, jack?

a: i’m going hiking in the mountains.

b: mountains? _45___

a: no, i’m going with my parents.


原州区六中2011 2012学年度第一学期。八年级英语第一次质量检测 卷 命题人 方吉明审题人 高春琴。亲爱的同学们,在这收获的金秋里,我们迎来了本学期的第一次检测,我们相信在新的起点上,你们一定会为自己交出一份完美的答卷。听力部分 20分。先花点时间看看哦!第一题 听句子,把对应的人物和事物进行匹...


米易一中2014年3月月考。考试时间 110分钟,总分 120分 年级 2012级 科目 英语 出题人 李勇 审题人 吴丹 第i 卷 选择题,共90 分 第一部分 听力测试 20 小题,共20 分 一。听句子,选 5分 请听下面五个句子,从题中所给的a b c d e五个选项中选出对应的 听完每个句...

