
发布 2022-12-18 20:31:28 阅读 3738





听力部分: (20分。




6. (he never watches tv in the evening. b. he nearly watches tv every evening.

c. sometimes he watches tv in the morning.

7. (a. my f**orite is to go to the movies.

b. i like swimming bestc. flying kites is my f**orite.

8. (a. how about youb. why? c. what’s the matter?

9. (a. she is ill. b. she has a headache. c. she has a toothache.

10. (a. i’m going to beijing with my parents.

b. i’m going to beijing by plane with my parents.

c. i’m going to beijing by plane.



11. (what does betty play every day?

a. basketball b. tennis c. football


12. (where is anna going for her summer holiday?

a. hong kong b. tibet

13. (is john going fishing with his friends?

a. yes, he is . b. no, he isn’t. c. we don’t know


14. (what’s wrong with miss smith?

a. she has a cold. b. she has a sore throat . c. she always feels tired.

15. (does miss smith h**e a good sleep at night?

a. yes, she does . b. no, she doesn’t. c. we don’t know.


16.( h**e some classes hike up a mountain

le**e with two teachers

17.( the classroom the playhouse the schoolgate

18.( about seven o’clock. about half past seven.

about seven fifteen

19.( are. aren’t. week.

20.( day. days. week.

笔试部分 (共100分)


1.( what’s the matter, tony?

—i h**e __fever.

a. an b. /c. a d. the

2is it from your home to school ?

a . how far b. how fast c. how soon d. how often

3、 (i’m a little biti want to drink some water.

a. hungry b. tired c. angry d. thirsty

4are you staying there? —just for two days.

a. how long b. when c. how often d. how many

5、( you look tired, you should h**e a good rest for __days.

that sounds good.

a. a few b. few c. little d. a little

6、 (if you eat chocolate, maybe you’ll be fatter(更胖的).

a. too much b. much too c. too manyd. so many

7、( do you go to the movies?

—hardly ever.

a. how long b. how often c. how many times d. how soon

8、( vegetables are good our health, so we should eat them every day.

a. at b. for c. in d. with

9is very interesting to swim in the river in summer,but it’s dangerous.

a. this b. thatc. itd. he

10、( i’m tired and stressed out.

you should

a. study hard b. go to the dentist c. listen to light music out late

11、( what are you doing for your vacation?

a. i’m going hikingb. i went to the beach.

c. i often go to the mountains. d. i like going bike riding.

12、( my sister is only two years old, and i h**e to __her on sundays.

a. look for b. look after c. look like d look at

13dasan is from canada, he can speak chinese very well.

— i know he studies chinese hard.

a. although b. and c. so d. but

14、( we’re going to mountain liupan this weekend.

a. h**e a good rest b. h**e a good time c. it’s dangerous

15、()my mother has a sore back in hospital

a. what’s the matter? b. i’m sorry to hear that

c. i’m not feeling well d. she’ll be all right soon.

16do you get to school ?

my parent’s car.

a. how, in b. how, on c. how often , in with

17、( must be a lot more fun than a bus.


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