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导学案unit 2 what should i do ? page 12 3a---4)课题年级八年级学科英语unit2班级学生时间主备人张靖文审核人初二备研组编号8yx202一教学目标。


2)掌握下列知识点:a重点词汇:okay either bake tutor


5 h**e a bake sale6 teen talk

c重点句型:no he doesn’t h**e money,语法:情态动词could和should表示建议的用法能力目标:



___付款) some money for these books you want a兼职) don’t like english也).can you烘烤)。

he got a part-time job as a家庭教师)任务二重点单词与短语。

1 either与too,also这三个词都有也的意思。1)either用于否定句,一般放在句末。如:

they don't know the answer, either.她们也不知道答案。2).

too用于肯定句和疑问句,一般放在句尾,其前常加逗号。如:do you play soccer every day, too?


3).also用于肯定句和疑问句,一般位于实义动词前、be动词后。如:sandra is also a korean 也是一个韩国学生。【拓展】


either of the students does well in their studies.两个学生中,无论是谁学习都不错。either用作形容词时,意为“两者中任何一个的”“两边中任何一边的”,作前置定语用。

例如。on either side of the river there are some small factories.在河的两边都有几座小型的工厂。there are a lot of trees onthe street.

街道的两边都有许多树。【跟踪训练】also, either, too

1). do you want to get a tutor

2). we will __hold a party next saturday.(3).

they can’t answer the questions4). the shoes are __big for me to wear.(5).

you didn’t drink a little orange6) i like the story ,too(改为否定句)ilike the story

2 payfor为….付款pay过去式paid过去分词paid辨析payspendcost与take

pay为―付款、赔偿‖之意,主语通常是人,往往是pay for sth或sb. pays some money for sthi paid fifty yuan for the coat.我花50元买了这件大衣。

how much did you pay for the book ?你付多少钱?【跟踪训练】

right, i'llthe food and you’llthe drinks.好吧,我付饭菜钱,你付酒水。

i100the bike.我花了一百美元买下那辆自行车。those booksme $100.那些书花了我100美元。

itme a lot of money __buy a big house。买那房子花了我很多钱。3 borrow借进(短暂动词)

borrow sth. (借某物)②borrow sth. from sb. (向某人借某物)

如1may i borrow your bike? mine is broken.2i borrowed a book from my good friendlend借出(短暂动词)

lend sb. sth. =lend sth. to sb.(把某物借给某人)如:you mustn't lend it to others.【跟踪训练】

my pen is broken. could you __yours __me? …toi lent a book to jim yesterday(改为同意句)jim __bookme yesterday.

4 part—time job反义词full—time job

the young woman hasand5 ask sb for sth = ask for sth

don`talways __your parentsmoney.当堂检测1.为...付款;付钱2.



a part-time job8.为我的家人买礼物句型转换。

9 he has some money too.(该为否定句)

hemoney10 jim often borrows books from his sister. (改为同义句)jim `s sister often __bookshim.

spent 200 yuanon the new coat. (改为同义句)anna __200 yuanthe new mother bought me a new jacket. (改为同义句)my mother bought a new jacket13 maybe that`s a good idea.



14 does she need buy a gift? (改错。

八年级 下 导学案

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