人教版八年级下Unit10单词笔记和练习 无答案

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unit 10单词要点。

1、memoryn.回忆;记忆(力)(可数)memorize v.记住;记忆。

in memory of纪念。

sweet memories甜蜜的回忆。

h**e a poor/good memory记忆力差/好。

他想要保留这条围巾以纪念他的爷爷甜蜜的回忆能让我们开心2、checkv./n.检查;审查check-in n.

签到check-out n.结账check in登记check out观察;察看。

交作业前先检查一遍他刚刚察看了他自己的自行车,它坏了3、no longer不再,通常be之后,实义v.之前=not...any longer,any longer放在句末,强调时间上或状态上。

no more=not...any more不再,强调数量或程度上不再变化。


owner n.主人;拥有者onone’s own单独。

of one’s own属于自己的。


我不敢相信我自己的眼睛5、partv.离开;分开n.角色;部分part with放弃、交出(尤指不舍得的东西)take part in参加;play a part in在。


放弃我们最喜欢的东西是不容易的6、certainadj.某种;某事;某人;确信的;无疑的a certain+n.单。


某些。be certain of/about对。有把握=be sure of/about

有人昨天给我打**了7、searchv./n.搜索;搜查search(+地点)for+sb./sth.(在某处)搜寻某人/某物=look for


in search of寻找。




it’s a shame that+句子。

真遗憾。what a shame/pity.真遗憾。to one’s shame令人羞愧的是。





considerdoingsth.考虑做某事consider be认为某人。consider...



12、holdv.拥有;抓住;容纳;举行;主持hold on坚持;别挂**;稍等hold out伸出hold up举起hold back阻止。



yard sale庭院拍卖会。

bring back sweet memories唤起甜蜜的回忆。

give away赠送;捐赠。

for example例如。

people in need需要帮助的人。

toy bear / lion / tiger玩具熊/狮子/老虎。

soft toy软体玩具;布绒玩具。

a couple of两个;一对;几个。

give up放弃。

a bit有点儿。

for a while一会儿。

clear out清理;丢掉。

check out察看;观察。

no longer不再;不复。

board game棋类游戏。

at first起初;起先。

grow up长大;成熟;成长。

as for至于;关于。

junior high school初级中学。

part with放弃、交出(尤指不舍得的东西)to be honest说实在的。

bread maker面包机。

one of the oldest buildings最古老的建筑之一。

concert hall**厅。

search for work找工作。

at least至少;不少于;起码。

millions of大量。

in order to目的是;为了。

for the last ..years在过去的……年里。

it’s a shame.

很遗憾。close to几乎;接近。

regard ..with great interest兴趣浓厚地看待……

that’s true of ..


since the mid-20th century自从二十世纪中期以来。

used to do sth.过去常常做某事。

according to依据;按照。

look for寻找;寻求。

a symbol of ..的一个标志。

across from在……对面。

in one’s opinion

依……看。exercises()1. i feel like gina ishonest girl, although i h**e never met her a

b. anc. the

d.不填。)2. miss miller is nice and teaches well. she is very inside

b. betweenc. among

d. around()3you grow older, you will become more as

b. wheneverc. before

d. since()4. it is a(nfor a young man like you not to study feeling

b. shamec. deal

d. opinion()5.—are you quitewith me?—of course. you know i never cheat truthful

b. angryc. strict

d. upset()6. the villagersthe idea of a road through their village question

b. providec. think

d. regard()7. don’t talk about this to anyonenot to your mother, or she will actually

b. especiallyc. suddenly

d. simply()8. d**id doesn’t h**e so much money, so he considersa used car.

a. buying

b. to buyc. not buying

d. not to buy()9. if mike doesn’t go to watch the movie

journey to the west: demon chapter,his brother won’t go

a. both

b. tooc. neither

d. either()10. anna used topop music, but now she likes rock listening to

b. listen toc. listening

d. listen()11. every yearpeople take the train to go back home before the five millions of

b. five million ofc. million of

d. millions of()12. mr. brownhis hometown for a long time. he really misses left

b. has leftc. went away from

d. has been away from()13. i h**e been afraid of dogs since a dogme five years hurts

b. will hurtc. hurt

d. has hurt()14. could you please helpthe information about the passengers?

i’mbusy bring out

b. check outc. work out

d. give out()15.—what about cindy’s performance in the dancing competition?

i liked it very not much

b. no problemc. that’s all

d. it was perfect()16. joe and his classmates plan to raise money for childrenneed with

b. for

c. from

d. in()17my grandpa grew older, he lost interest in as

b. ifc. although

d. whether()18. he has a goodfor faces, so he is sure he hasn’t seen the decision

b. feeling

c. memory

d. relation()19. look! what a mess your room isnow!a. work out it

b. work it outc. clear out it

d. clear it out()20.—it’s a(nthat you h**e to le**e so soon.

never mind. we’ll meet next week.

a. opinion

b. shame

c. mark

d. deal()21.—can we trust the man?—yes. he’s __enough and he never cheats others.

a. nervous

b. awake

c. br**e

d. honest()22. i first consideredto helen, but then decided to see writing

b. to write

c. to writing

d. write()23. mike, you should call firstif you’re going to be late.

a. actually

b. suddenly

c. especially

d. simply()24. you should alwaysyour oil and water before taking your car on along offer

b. check

c. report

d. weigh()25. my cousin has loved movies since she firstto the goes

b. is going

c. has gone

d. went()26. bill, you should return the book to the library soon. youit for borrowed

b. h**e borrowedc. h**e kept

d. kept()27. the people in this countrythis kind of bird as a symbol of hope, sothey never shoot regard

b. introduce

c. include

d. collect()28. we can see___stars in the sky at night in the million of

b. millions ofc. three millions of

d. three million of()29. iafraid of living in a strange city, but now i like to try used to be

b. used to beingc. am used to be

d. am used to being()30.—what do you think of zhang shuai’s performance during the 2015australian open (2024年澳大利亚网球公开赛she beat world no.

2 simona halep.

a. not much

b. no problemc. you’re kidding

d. it’s perfect


1 grow 生长 发育。2.grow up 成长 长大。their children h e all grown up and left home now.it s time you grew up.该懂事了。3.programmer 电脑程序设计人 程序师n.4.engineer 工程师n 5....


unit10 i ve had this bike for three years.一 单词。院子。2.庭院拍卖会。n.甜的,糖果。记忆,记忆力,回忆。分,分币。玩具。熊。生产者,制造者。9.面包机。围巾,披巾,头巾。柔软的。12.软体玩具,布绒玩具。v.餐馆账单 检查。14.察看,观察。板子,甲板...


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