
发布 2022-12-16 11:33:28 阅读 9455

unit 10检测题。


1. 全世界 2. 一两年 3. 取得好成绩4. 上表演课 5. 保持健康6. 同时7. 找一个兼职工作8. 举办艺术展览。

9. 攒些钱 10.制订新年决心 11. 与….交流

12.辞职13.开欢迎会 14.练习游泳。


1. 寒假期间我打算找一份临时工。

i am going toon winter vacation.

2. 几个女孩子说, 她们准备经常锻炼身体保持健康。

some girls said they were going to __more

3. 你打算在哪儿工作?

where __you

4. 听起来巴黎就是我能喜欢的城市。

parisa city that i could __

5. 你长大了想干什么?

are you going towhen you

6 .将来他打算成为一名运动员。

hebe an athlete in the

7. 我每天中午睡一两个小时。

i sleep forat noon every day.


she wants toa jobin shanghai


he movedhis new job.


could you please tell us whatis.


when i grow up, i’m going to do what


he is going to learn french

三。 单项选择:

1. -is mr. brown living here? -no, he movedlast week.

a. to somewhere else b. somewhere else

c. to else somewhere d. else somewhere

2are you going to be a singer? -i’m going to take music lessons.

a. what

3. i can do i want to do when i finish my homework.

4. -i’m going to learn the piano when i retire. that sounds __a good idea.

a. like b. as c. about d. of

5. he decides to work __than last year.

a. more hard b. much hard c. much harder d. a little hard

6. it’s already 6 o’clock, but the children are not back

a. also b. either c. yet d. too

9. helen doesn’t looktoday. is she ill?

a. better b. well c. nervous d. happy

10.we are going to the partynext week.

a.in b.on c.× d.for

13. he is going toto new york with his parents.

a. take b. move c. bring d. stay

14. i'm going tosome money to tr**el somewhereinteresting.

a. keep b. build c. s**e d. hold

16. i love music very much, so i'm going to learn how toan instrument this term.

a. keep b. play c. hold d. build

17. all parents should __better with their children.

a. learn b. exercise c. communicate d. work

18. i want to be a news***** reporter because i enjoy___with all.

a.talk b. talking talk d. talks


1. he wants to be aprofession )football player.

2. what are you going to do when you __grow )up in the future?

3. she is going to be anart ) when he grows up.

4. theprogram ) is going to give us a talk the day after tomorrow.

5. i’m going to takeswim ) lessons because i want to be an actor in the future.

6. it rainedreal ) hard, so we had to stay at home and watched ***s.

7. the math problem is too difficult for mework ) out.

8. he is goingbe ) a writer when he grows up.

9. nancy is goingshop ) with her friends this sunday.

10. we will go for a picnic if itnot rain ) tomorrow.

11. why not join usplay ) basketball this afternoon?

12. there is going tois) a football match tomorrow.,13.

one of myread ) sent me an e-mail yesterday.

14. you should exercise every day to keep youhealth ).

15be ) healthy, you should stop smoking.

16. what he said made all of ushappily ).

17. mrs. brown don’t know howget ) on well with their son.

18. look! mrs. blackdraw ) a picture on the blackboard.

19. you are late for school again. why not come a littleearly )?

20. everybody can see that linda studieshard ) than before.


unit 10 if you go to the party,you ll h e a great time?一 必记单词。1.meeting n.会议 集会 会面。2.video n.录像机。3.organize v.org anise 组织 筹备。4.chocolate n.巧克力。5.upse...


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