
发布 2022-12-29 06:13:28 阅读 3593

i’ve had this bike for three years

一、 重点单词、短语。












二、 重点句型、语法。

1、 how long h**e you had that bike over there?

how long用来提问一段延续时间的疑问词组 ,如for a year,since last year.只能与连续性动词连用。

辨析】how long:多长时间,对时间段的提问,常用“for+ 一段时间”,“since+时间点”,“since+从句”来回答。

how often:多久一次,对频率进行提问,用once/twice/…+时间段等来回答。

how soon:还要多久,多用于一般将来时中。

how will mr. li come backa week. 一周以后。

how do you exercisea day.

2、 because i’ve had it since i was a baby.


she has been living a hard life since her husband died.它自从丈夫死后,一直过着艰苦的生活。

拓展 since可以引导时间状语从句。从句多用一般过去时,主句多用现在完成时态。

she’s worked in a bank since she left school.她毕业后就一直在一家银行工作。

例 (2012四川雅安中考)miss liu has taught english __she came here.

例 (2013北京中考)miss lin __a lot of work for the poor area since 2010.

done do

3、 for example, he has owned a train and railway set since his fourth birthday, and he played with it almost every week until he was about seven.比如,他从四岁生日起就已经拥有了一套火车和铁路,他几乎每个星期都玩它,直到他七岁左右。


i received some presents on my tenth birthday.我在十岁生日时收到了一些礼物。

例 (2013四川成都中考)it is the boy’s___birthday today. he is five years old now.

4、 ·to be honest, i h**e not played for a while now,··说实在的,我现在好长时间不玩了。

to be honest是不定时短语作插入语,意为“老实说,说实在的”;

类似短语有to tell(you)the truth说实话;to be frank, frankly speaking

如:to be honest, you can’t pass the exam.

拓展。honest 派生词 dishonest adj.不诚实的 honesty诚实。

短语 to be honest老实说。

everybody trusts him because he is an honest person.每个人都信任他,因为他是个诚实的人。

例 (2012湖南长沙中学)--what do you think of mike?

he is __honest boy.

例 (2012山西中考)__volunteering is both a chance to help others and a good way to develop ourselves. so you’d better make time to volunteer.

my surprise be honest start with

5、 however, others may only see it once or twice a year.然而,别人可能一年才去那里看一两次。

once or twice意为“一两次;偶然”。其中once意为“一次”;twice意为“两次”,都是表达频率的词汇。如:

he goes swimming once a week.

拓展对频率进行提问要用how often

如:--how often does he go swimming? -once a week.每周一次。

例 (2012湖北孝感中考do you hang out with your friends?

--once a week.

a. how long many soon often

6、 children h**e learned to read and count at my old primary school since the mid-20th century.


advertising is highly developed in the twentieth century.广告业在20世纪高度发展。

the song was composed in the nineties of the twentieth century.这首歌创作于20世纪90年代。

例 the tv was invented around___

twenty century twentieth century century century

7、 according to zhong wei, however, some things will never change,according to是介词短语,意为“根据;依照”,后接代词、名词或由疑问代词引导的从句等。

according to the radio, it will rain tomorrow.根据广播,明天有雨。

例 __the following pictures, please write a composition.

to of to of

8、 副词anymore亦可写作any more,常用于否定句的末尾,意思是“再(不); 不)再”。

not anymore 相当于 no longer,例如:you can h**e it, for i don’t need it anymore.


please don’t go there anymore.请别再去那里了。

we are no longer young. 我们再也不年轻了。

9、 among和between

among: 在三者或三者以上之间 tom sits among the student

between:在两者之间tom sits between mary and frank.


unit 10 it s a nice day,isn t it?一 本单元应掌握的单词。1电梯 一部电梯。2婴儿,小孩。3little 比较级原级。4至少至多。二 本单元应掌握的词组。1看起来像。2到中午。3在周末。4浏览。5过街。6想做某事 感觉好像。7感谢信。8对 友善。9费了很大劲做某事。1...




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