
发布 2022-12-27 01:04:28 阅读 9432

人教版八年级unit10 基础过关训练(期末冲刺)
























23v/n.信任, 经历。



翻天译地。1. for the games, do you think we should give people some small gifts if they win?

2. 如果我们没有得到足够的锻炼,我们的身体就会生病。

3. 如果我们没有花足够的时间学习,我们就不能取得更好的成绩。

4. sometimes they h**e problems with their schoolwork, and sometimes with their friends.

5. 生活中的问题和烦恼都是正常的。

6. 除非我们学会与其他人交谈,否则问题将变得更糟糕。

7. 他没有停下来休息,他只是不停地跑。

8. it is best not to run away from our problems. we should try to solve them.

9. 学生们经常忘记他们的父母有更多的经验,并且会尽他们最大地努力去帮助解决他们学习和生活**现的问题。

10. in english, we say that sharing a problem is like cutting it in half so you’re halfway to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it.

11. 关于如何提高英语,你能给我提些建议吗?

12. 除非你自己从这个故事中吸取教训,否则你下次还会犯同样的错误。


21.—-where did eric go last weekend?

—- he went to the park, but he always __going to the beach.

a. likeb. likesc. to like

22the early morning of october 31,changsha became the ninth unesco city of media art.(**艺术之都)

—wonderful! it is the first one in china.

a. onb. inc. at

23.— do you know tu youyou?

— of course. she is one of the nobel prize___in the world.

a. winnerb. winnersc. win

24.—-who is___student in your class, tom, jack or paul?

—tom. all the teachers and students like him.

a. the tallestb. most popularc. the most popular

25.— lucy and lily are both good at singing. who sings better?

—i think lucy sings asas lily.

a. goodb. wellc. better

26.—why did you often go to hainan on vacation, not beijing?

—because the weather in hainan is better than __in beijing.

a. itb. thatc. this

27do you play basketball with your friends?—sometimes.

a. how longb. how manyc. how often

28.——today we don’t h**e any classes or homework. let’s go to climb the mountain.

— what __good news.

b. ab. anc. /

29.— mr. yang is a good teacher. he works hard.

i think so. although he was ill yesterday, _he taught us math in class.

a. butbc. and

30. —geeta, where do you want to go this weekend?

-i don't know. maybe i’d like to stay at home or go

a. somewhere interesting

b. interesting somewhere

c. to somewhere interesting

the train started moving. it was full of people of all ages. 31 the window sat an old man with his twenty-eight-year-old son.

as the train moved, the son was very 32 when he looked out of the window.

“dad, look! the green trees moving away from us are very beautiful.” this kind of beh**ior(行为) from a twenty-eight-year-old son made the other people think he was 33 .

everyone started talking about the 34 . this young man seems to be stupid(愚蠢的), jack said to his wife.

suddenly it started raining. raindrops (雨滴)fell on the tr**elers through the open 35 . the twenty-eight-year-old son said with joy, “dad, look!

see how beautiful the rain is!” jack’s wife got angry because the raindrops got her clothes wet. “can you see it's raining, old man?

if your son is not feeling well, get him to a 36 , don’t let him annoy(打搅) us.” the old man didn't say anything at first. he didn't want his son to hear him, 37 he answered in a low voice, “we are on the way back from the hospital.

it is his first day out of it. he had problems with his eyes when he was born, and only last week he could 38 the world. everything is 39 to him.

please excuse us for the trouble.” all the other people become 40 after hearing his words. nobody talks again.


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