
发布 2022-12-30 00:36:28 阅读 9714

unit 10 if you go to the party, you’ll h**e a great time !

section a 1a-2d

teaching and learning goals:

一、功能:talk about consequences.

二、词汇和常用表达:meeting, video, organize, chocolate, potato chips,i think i’ll go to the party with karen and anna. if you go the party, you’ll h**e a great time.

what will happen if they h**e the party today?

三、学习策略 students to improve listening and speaking skills by pair work and group work; take part in the activities of role-play with the help of other students 2能通过推理演绎,判断条件句引出的对事情结果的**。

四、文化知识:1 继续了解西方社交聚会的知识 2 了解中西方青少年生活中常见的问题,以及心理咨询机构如何提供有效的帮助。

step i. pre-listening activities

1. preview

t: let’s learn how to talk about consequences in this unit. to get to the targets, let’s h**e a preview first.

please look at the following into english orally, and then write them down without looking at the book.

1). put the phrases into english.


2). put the sentences into english.






2. check the preview.

t: boys and girls! let me check your preview.

if you know the answers to the phrases and sentences, you can translate them. please stand up without putting up your hands. then i’ll give you one mark.

let’s see which group is the best.


)3. warm up and lead in

t: boys and girls! this sunday is coming. what are you going to do this sunday?

s1: i’m going to stay at home.

s2: i ‘m going to play basketball..

s3: i’m going to h**e a rest.

t: do you like to take part in a party?

ss: yes.

t: what will you do if you go to a party?

s1: if i go to a party, i’ll meet many friends.

s2: if i go to a party, i’ll wear jeans.

t: ok! please look at the picture in 1a.

what are they going to do if they go to the party?

4. do 1a

t: now look at the form in 1a .first look at the left of the form.

match the statements with the pictures (a-d).

ss do it..)

t: boys and girls! let me check your preview.

ss: 设计意图:通过讨论本周日将要做什么以及参加聚会大家将会做什么既复习了一般将来时又导入了本课的教学目标,同时为下面教学做了铺垫。

step ii. listening activity i

while-listening activities

task1. listen for the general idea of 1b.

t: boys and girls! please look at the picture in 1a..

we all know what they are talking about. let’s guess what will happen if he/she does that. look at picture a.

we know he’ll h**e a good time. let’s talk about picture c. what will happen if he wears jeans ?

s1: others won’t be happy.

s2: he will be polite.

like this, talk about picture b and picture d.)

t: ok, what will happen if he/she does that . please listen to the recording and first find out the main idea.

the maid idea of the conversation is about .

a. a meeting

b. a party

c. a trip

task2. listening for the specific ideas of 1b.

t: class, we all know the conversation is about a party. what will happen if he/she does tha .

let’s do 1b. listen and complete the responses in 1a.


post-listening activities

task1. listen to the tape and repeat. then read and recite the conversations individually.

task2. ask some students to role-play the conversation in 1c.

task3. ask students to make new conversations about pictures c, b and d above..

for example (picture c):

a: are you going to the party tomorrow night?

b: yes, i am.

a: what will you wear?

b: i think i’ll wear jeans.

a: if you do,the teachers won’t let you in.


stepⅲ listening activity ii

while-listening activities

1. prepare for listening

t: if you are planning a class party now, what will you do ? list some important things.


unit 10 if you go to the party,you ll h e a great time?一 必记单词。1.meeting n.会议 集会 会面。2.video n.录像机。3.organize v.org anise 组织 筹备。4.chocolate n.巧克力。5.upse...




一 汉译英。1.待在家里 2.乘公共汽车 3.明天晚上 4.进行班级聚会。5.一半的同学 6.做些食物 7.订购食物 8.开班会 9.在聚会上 10.炸土豆片,炸薯条 11.最后 12.犯错误。13.去参加聚会 14.玩得开心 15.给某人提一些建议。16.上大学 17.赚 许多 钱 18.环游世界...