
发布 2022-12-30 00:35:28 阅读 9667

unit 7 test 1

)1. tom __visit our farm __two weeks.

a. won’t, on c. will,before d. won’t, later

)2there___a class meeting tomorrow?

maybe. i saw our teacher writing his speech just now.

a. will; h**e b. does; h**e c. is; h**ing d. will; be

) 3. there will be __cars and __pollution twenty years later

a. many, few b. little, few c. less, more d. fewer, less

4. there __be)fewer children in people's homes in 10 years.(适当形式填空)

5. the elephants are in great __dangerous).people shouldn't kill them any longer.(同上)

6. 将来的世界是什么样的啊?

what __the worldin the future?


everyone shouldin s**ing the earth.


books___only___oncomputers,__on *****.


___willin the future..


a railway station in our hometown.

unit 7 test 2

)1. —will people buildbuildings in 100 years?

yes, i think so. because more peopleappear.

a. fewer; will b. more; did c. more; will d. fewer; did

) 2. —where is miss wang?

she went to hainan island last week and will returnsix days.

a. ago b. later c. behind d. in

) to her parents tomorrow.(适当形式填空)

50 years, people will h**emuch) free time(同上)

the __pollute) is very serious.(同上)


people want to find more secrets



8. 世界将会和平么?

___there __the world peace?


i still want to live __the earth

10. 孩子们将在家里通过电脑学习。

kids will study __home

unit 7 test 3

)1. i think i will be __astronaut when i grow up.

a. anb. ac. thed. /

)2“there___a meeting next monday.”means“they___a meeting next monday.”

a.will be;will beb.will h**e;will h**e

c.will be;will h**ed.will h**e;will be

3. theynot h**e ) any classes next week.(适当形式填空)

4. he __be)a teacher after he le**es college.(同上)

5. i will live in an apartment. .对划线部分提问)

you live?

6. there will be robots in our home.(变为一般疑问句并做否定回答)

___there __robots in our home?no

7. we will h**e a big school party in two days.(对划线部分提问)

h**e a big party?


rockets __the moon.


ito school 10 years ago.


peoplea space station___100 years.

unit 7 test 4

)1.— tony, be careful, or you mayonto the wet ground.— ok,thanks.

a. feel like b. fall down c. care about d. find out

)2.— how many birds can you see in the trees? —i can seebirds there.

a. hundreds of b. five hundreds c. hundred of d. five hundreds of

) tv program was very___and we all got___



)4..it __that everyone __to laugh.



brother thinks robots can work as a person,but iagree) with him.(适当形式填空)

6. it’spossible) for me to finish so much homework in such a short time.(同上)

7. 老师再三告诉我们过马路要小心。

teachers tell us to be careful to cross the roadagain.


today there are___robots___in factories.


i will __go to australia.


computers and rockets100 years ago.


unit7 will people h e robots?一 必记单词。1.n.纸 纸张。2.pollute v.污染。3.pollution n.污染 污染物 pollute v.污染 弄脏过去式为 polluted 现在分词为polluting 4.future n.未来。常用短语为in the...


unit7 will people h e robots?核心单词。污染,污染物 v 污染 adj 受污染的 预言,v 预言。n 环境 adj 自然环境的,有关环境的。和平 adj 平静的,宁静的 建筑,建造 过去式 n 建筑物,房子 n 建造者。人的 n 人 pl.仆人 v 接待,服务,提供n 服...


unit7单词。1.一点也不。2.把 调低 关小。3.n.院子。4.立刻 马上。5.n.盘 碟。6.n.任务 工作 作业。7.n.海报。8.n.女服务生。9.v.bring的过去式 10.n.衣服。11.n.解答。12.n.排 队 列。13.排队等候。14.v.使恼怒,使生气。15.adj.恼怒的,...