
发布 2022-12-10 09:12:28 阅读 7410

unit ten 小练习。

一. 翻译下列句子。

1. 成为宇航员是我向往的工作。我要比以前更加努力。

2. 成都听起来像是我喜欢的那种城市。我打算搬到那里去。

3. 我认为对父母来说,学习孩子们在学校学习的科目没有必要。

4. 我的新年愿望是吃更加健康的食物以保持健康的身体。还要多锻炼。

5. 某天,我将在某个安静美丽的地方度过我的退休生活。

6. 她将举办艺术展,并存些钱。她打算周游全世界,同时也帮助穷人。

7. 我妹妹打算辞职。她想找一份做外语教师的工作。

8. 我不知道怎样跟她们更好的交流?我不知道跟她们说什么?

9. jim长大了打算当工程师,那他打算怎么做呢?

10. 你打算学弹一门乐器吗?还不确定。

11. 明天有考试,你不应该在外面呆的很晚。

12. 我出去的时候,你帮我照顾一下我的狗,可以吗?

13. 我观光时总是随身携带雨衣和雨伞。因为有时候会遇到大雨。

二. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. nancy is one of the most famous (violin) in the world

2. edison was an (usually ) boy when he was very young .he wasn’t like others

3luck),we didn’t take our umbrellas .

4. look, my coat iswet )than hers .

5. did you h**e fun (drive)?yes,but we (drive)for a short time ,because itrain)(he**y).

6. he looked (worry),because his son had a terrible (ill).

7. his mother is (bad) sorry (hear ) that .

8. our town isbeautiful)than theirs .

9. she has (long)hair than (i ).and she is (he**y )than me .

10. taking a bus ispopular) way of all the transportation for the students .but i like riding a bikewell ) of all .

三. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

my book him ,his is lost .

can some moneyyour parents .

dictionary for two weeks .yesterday she g**e it to me .

1. look,her motherfor her now .

2. my parents and i will spend all daynear the river next week..

3. i like to wash the car because it’s

4. i becamein music when i was young .

5. many girls are going to exercise morehealthy .

6. i tried hard ,but i still had some problemsi really want go give up .

7. yesterday ,the teacher asked useveryone felt excited to do it .

8. hethree onions and put them to the bowl.

9. my sister didn’t h**e fun on her last day off ,butwas fun.

10. i did badly in my last english exam. and lucy didthan i did.


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