
发布 2022-11-26 16:36:28 阅读 5468

一、写出单词的中文意思10 分

three eight sixninesevenfour tentwofive one


a.six b. seven c. three d. five e. ten f. eight

1. two + four

2. nine ÷ three

3. fournine

4. seven + three

5one = six

× four

三、将右栏答语前的序号填在左边的括号内。 18分。

) old are youa. ten gifts.

) many giftsb. sure. here you are.

3. let’s eat the cakec. thank you.

) i h**e some juice? d. i’m fine, thank you.

) are youe. good idea!

) birthdayf. i’m 10.

四、情景选择 30分。


a happy birthday b good morning

) 2 你把弟弟介绍给朋友时,可以说:__

a i’m fineb this is my brother

) 3 对方祝你生日快乐,你应该对他说。

a it’s a penb thank you

) 4你想问对方年龄,可以说___

a how are you b how old are you

) 5 你想告诉老师你六岁了,可以说。

a i’m fiveb i’m six

) 6 问物品的数量,你可以说。

a here you areb how many

) 7 问妈妈是否可以吃蛋糕,你可以说。

a can i h**e some cake, please?

b h**e some cake

)8 把东西递给别人,你可以说。

a here you areb h**e some cake

)9 别人向你表示感谢,你应该回答说。

a you’re welcomeb ok

10 how many apples

a it’s threeb five

) 11. here___are.

a yourb you

) 12 how many pens? _

a i’m tenb ten

) 13 how old are you

a fiveb i’m ten years old.

)14 how many __

a rulerb books

) 15 i’m four __old.

a yearb years

五、下列中英语表述是(t)否(f) 一致,请你来判断。15分。

( )1、this one,please。请把这个给我。

( )2、this is my brother .这位是我兄弟。

( )3、let’s eat the cake . 我们吃面包吧。

( )4、i’m six years old .我七岁了。

( )5、show me nine .做九的姿势给我看。


i h**e two good friends (朋友). this is lu yao .he is from china (来自中国).

he is nine .he like s bread . and this is my friend ,lucy .

she is from canada(来自加拿大).she is ten .her (她的)lucky number(幸运数字)is seven.

) 1 i h**e __good friends.

a one b two c three

) 2 lu yao is

a 6b 7c 9

) 3 lu yao likes __

a bread b juice c cake

) 4 lucy is

a 8b 9c 10

) 5lucy‘s lucky number is

a 5b 6c 7


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