
发布 2022-11-26 16:37:28 阅读 9194

冀教英语三年级上册重点练习 1-3课。

一、what’s his name?__name is li ming. a. his b. her c. i

二、 选词填空 this his her what’s

1. _name is john. 2.__name is lily. 3. _is a girl. 4her name?

三、 选合适答语。

) what’s thisa. her name is zhang hong

) what’s her nameb. i’m fine, thanks.

) how are youc. my name is helen.

) what’s your named. it’s a book.

四、 连词成句: your what’s name

you are how

五、 补全字母mm nn __pp qq___

冀教英语三年级上册重点练习 4—6 课。

一、写单词:一( )二( )三( )四( )五( )六( )七( )八( )九( )十( )

二、i h**e threea. ruler b. rulers c. a ruler


this? that?

四、写出汉意。 nice to meet you

how many pencils do you h**e?__

五、连词成句 h**e i two books


)a. pen b. pencil c. crayon d. boy

( )a. book b. five c. three d. four

七、 补全字母 ee___gg hh __

冀教英语三年级上册重点练习 7---9课。

一、写出单词:苹果( )书( )鱼( )手( )风筝( )猫( )门( )

二、写汉意: open the windowclose the window

she’s my friendclose the door

三、his name is li mingis a boy. a his b he c she

四、wang hong, this __jennya is b are c am

五、看一看,选一选。 a. she is b. rulers e. to

hello (同义词)__she’s (完全形式) _he(形容词性物主代词) _two(同音词) _ruler(复数形式) _

冀教英语三年级上册重点练习 10---12课。

一、写单词:红( )黄( )蓝( )绿( )

黑( )白( )橙( )

二、__colour is b. where

三、 i h**e there yellowa. chair b. chairs c. a chair

四、选词填空。my apple is___blue/red). my pencil __is/are)orange.

it___is/are) your bagcolour it __blue/good).

5.英译汉。one red applefive black chairs



冀教英语三年级上册重点练习 13---15课。

一 、写出对应词:coldhappy

二、汉译英:手( )头( )腿 ( 脚( )胳膊( )眼( )嘴( )鼻( )

三、 _do you feel? a. how b. what c. how many

四、 i __happya. is b. h**e c. feel

五、英译汉 how do you feel?__

i feel tired, too

touch your head

六、 同桌问你感觉怎样,他会说:__a. how do you feel? b. what do you feel?

七、 冬天非常冷,你会说:__a.i feel very cold. b. i feel very hot.

冀教英语三年级上册重点练习 16-18课。


arm happy head hot blue orange red leg cold

a: sadb: hand

c. green

二、 连线。

are you okay我头疼。

my head hurts你还好吗。

let’s see a doctor怎么了。

what’s the matter让我们去看医生吧。

三、warm (对应词toe (复数knee( 复数)__

sad( 对应词i (同音词)__

四、 同类词√ 不同类×

( )doctor deskbrown eye ( ear kneehead leg

冀教英语三年级上册重点练习 19-21课。


my this family is

in china we live

family. we a are happy


)a. worker b. student c. family ( a. driver b. father c. doctor

( )a. her b. father c. doctor ( a. doctor b. sister c. brother

三、选词填空doctor father is her tall

a teacher. sister is a3. this __my family.

4. she is5. _name is lucy.

四、 mother (对应词short (对应词)__sister (对应词)__

冀教英语三年级上册重点练习 22-24课。

一、old ( 反义词。

二、 today is __birthday a. jenny’s b. jenny c. li miing

三、 this gift is __danny a. to b. for c. with

四、 how old __youa. is b. are c. am

五改错。 what your name

i’m eight year old

冀教三年级上册英语重点句型 一二单元

1 i live in china 我住在中国 2 what s your name?你的名字叫什么?3 what s her name?她名字叫什么?4 what s his name?他的名字叫什么?5 what is this?这是什么?it is a book.它是一本书。6 how are...

三年级英语上册重点复习总结 XX年冀教版

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小学三年级数学同步练习重点 冀教版

小学三年级数学同步练习重点 冀教版 查字典数学网为您带来,希望帮到您。一 根底训练 1 边长为2厘米的正方形的周长是 面积是 2 用一条长为10厘米的绳子围成的长方形的面积可能是 平方分米 平方厘米50000平方米 公顷400厘米 米。8平方米 平方厘米6平方千米 公顷。4 用适宜的单位填空 小红家...