
发布 2022-11-12 12:20:28 阅读 7669


一、听音,把正确的序号写在括号里。(5个知识点)1. i like().

a. monkeysb. dogsc. bags2. i'm from().

a. noodlesb. chinac.

usa3. let's watch().a.

tvb. unc. uk4.

this is my().a. sisterb.

momc. father5. welcome to our().

a. homeb. schoolc.




) 1. a. i can see twelve i can see twenty dogs.

()2. a. who's that boy?

b. who's this boy?

) 3. a. how many kites can you see?

b. how many crayons do you h**e?()4.

a. wow, what a big fish!

b. wow, what a big family!()5. a. i'm from i'm from america.

四、听对话,选择适当的答语。(10个知识点)( 1. a.

nice to meet you, how are you?( 2. a.

i'm fine, thank my name is jack.( 3. a.

good she is three.( 4. a.

i'm chen i'm from china.( 5. a.

my name is thanks.五、听音,填写正确的序号。(10个知识点)

father()me()mother()grandfather()grandmother ()




)1. a. redb.

legc. black()2. a.

teacherb. headc. foot()3.

a. zoomb. rulerc.

sarah()4. a. bagb.

whitec. green

)5. a. hellob. boyc. girl




1.你怎样向你的朋友介绍你新朋友___a. this is a this is my new friend lily.

2.早上问好应该说___a. good good morning.

3.自我介绍说自己来自**应该说___a i'm 'm from shandong.4.见面后应该说___a. nice to meet goodbye.

5.询问别人来自**应该说a. where are you from?

b. what are you from?6.

你迟到了,应该说a. come i'm sorry.

7.怎样询问你不认识的女孩___a. who's that woman?b. who's that girl?


a. who's that boy?b. who's this man?

9.想知道别人手中有多少本书你应该问___a. how many books do you h**e?b. how many birdscan you see?

10.想知道别人看到了多少只鸟你应该问___a. how many books do you h**e?b. how many birdscan you see?

11.假期后回到学校见到同学a. how old are you?

b. how are you?12.

你告诉mike你的年龄___a. how old are you?b.

i am ten.


1. how many balls?()2.

how many dogs?()3. how many birds?

()4. how many trees?()


unit 2 my family a let s talk说课稿。一 说教材。本课出现了较多的新词和新句型。比如 this is my family.who s thatman boy he ismy who s thatwoman girl she s my 其中的新词有 fathermather...


一 写出字母a n的大小写。二 根据单词,选择正确的汉语意思。妈妈b.爸爸 男孩b.女孩 热狗b汉堡包 15b.33 窝b夜晚 香蕉b苹果 可乐b咖啡 老虎b狮子 冰激凌b冰 老鼠b小狗。三 判断英汉是否一致,一致打 不一致打 将答案写。在括号里。1.女孩girl 2.妈妈father 3.蛋ele...


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