三年级1 6单元试题

发布 2022-11-09 13:28:28 阅读 7465


. 写出下列字母的左邻右舍。(注意大小写要一致)。(5 分)

()b() t() e() g() m()

. 看一看连一连。(10分)


family 身体附近cake


classroom 帽子喜欢door


.找出类别与众不同的单词。(10 分)

)1、a .coat b. skirt c. classroom d. shoes

)2、a. hand b. eye c. milk d. nose

)3、a. face b. chair c. desk

)4、 b. he c. she d. it

)5、 c. come d. taxi

. 选择最佳答案。(20分)

( )1. _is my father.

a. heb. shec. it

( )a nose.

a . h**eb. h**esc. has

) my dad.

a. amb. isc are

( )4. i come to school __foot.

a. inb. onc. my

( )5. -i go home by bus

i go home by bike.

a . who is he? does she go home? c . what about you?

)6.__you like candies?

a. dob. arec . does

) meet you !

a. toob. toc. me

)8. -is this your coat?


a. this isb . it is c. it doesn’t

)9. he likes

tea ) ball is __the floor.

a. onb. inc. under


1. does he h**e头发)?

2. look at the boy他)is my brother.

3. i go home乘,骑) bus.

4. i like cakes很,非常).

5. they are附近) the desk.

. 根据下面情景, 选择恰当的选项。 (15分)

( )1. 当下午要给老师问好时, 应说。

a. good morning,teacher.

b. good afternoon,teacher.

c. my name is li mei.

( )2..当你想知道同学怎样去学校时, 应问。

a. how do you go to school?

b. do you go home by bike?

c. how do you go to xi’an?

( )3. 当你不知道这件外套是谁的时, 应问: _

a. is this your coat?

b. what color is it?

coat is this?

( )4. 当你正在找玩具汽车时, 应说: _

a. where is my taxi?

b. where is my car?

c. this is my car.

( )5. 当别人因为你的帮助对你表示感谢时,你应说。

a. you are welcome.

b. thank you very much .

c. good moring.

. 在b栏中找出a栏的正确答语。(15 分)

a 栏b栏。

( )do you come to school? a. i’m fine.

( )is the boyb. i come to school on foot.

( )are youc. it’s on the desk.

( )trousers are these ? d. they are my trousers .

( )is my erasere. he is my brother .

. 下列句子站错队了,请读一读,帮他们排好队。(15分)

afternoon ,kitty.

b. miss white ,this is my father.

to meet you,too, miss white.

to meet you.

afternoon ,miss white.



一 1 像水 牛奶 酱油这样的物体,我们叫它为 像铅笔 石头这样的物体,我们称它为 像氧气 二氧化碳这样的物体,我们称它为 2 生命离不开 它就像母亲的乳汁一样,哺育着地球上所有的生命。3 通过观察,我认为水的味道是 水的气味是 水的颜色是 4 如果水中溶解了对人体和其他生物 的物质,水就被 了。绝...


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2013 2014学年度下期三年级三单元。语文试题 注 监考老师不念题,不解题,试卷满分120分,考试时间100分钟。一 基础知识与能力 48分 1 按音序顺序,把其余汉字的序号写在横线上。2分 跋 贪 晌 挨 弦 叼 2 划去带点字的错误音节。2分 拉弦 xi n xu n严素 s sh 熟 sh...