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2011学年第二学期八年级英语期末复习资料—module 3-4


module 3

一、 基础知识训练。

i. 单项选择:

)1. would you like __to the restaurant? i feel like __something now.

a. to go, to eat b. going, to eatc. to go, eating

)2. -would you like to go to the restaurant

a. yes, i’d like. b. yes, i’d love to. c. no, i wouldn’t.

would like 表示邀请时,答应拒绝。

)3. you got up late this morning. so rememberlate for school next time.

a. not tob. not to bec. to be not

)4. i remembered __an article last year and it was very successful.

a. writeb. wrotec. writing

)5. sorry !i forgot __your money last week. i will give you back tomorrow.

a. borrowingb. to lendc. to borrow

)6. the idea of visiting the great wallgood.

a. listens tob. seemsc. sounds

) doing a __check, they found the girl had a sweet __

a. sound, voice b. voice, voice c. noise, sound

) is ******outside? it is so __

a. noise, noiseb. noisy, noise c. noise, noisy

)9. my sister is studying in the room. could youthe tv?

a. close downb. turn down c. turn up


)10. he looks very tired. he must stop __

a. workingb. workc. to work

)11. he looks very tired. he must stop___

a. restingb. restc. to rest

) you enjoy __the piano, just keep

a. playing, practise b. play, practising c. playing, practicing

)13. -do you know who __the first place yesterday? -class 2 __class 10.

a. beat , winb. won, beatedc. won, beat

)14. the teacher explained to the students why the earth __not round.

a. isb. wasc. were

)15. the teacher asked the boy __

a. how old is he b. how old he was c. how old was he

)16. could you tell metomorrow?

a. where you are going b. where are you going c. where you went

) is going to beit is not going to __

a. sunny, rainb. rain, sunnyc. sun, rainy

) 18. it’s still early. you __hurry back home.

a. need not to b. don’t need to c. don’t need

ii. 完成句子:

1. 当心!车来了the bus is coming!

2. 过马路时记得小心红灯。

when crossing the roadred lights.

3. 老师提醒我们注意拼写错误。

the teacher asked usthe spelling mistakes.

4. 别总向父母要钱。

don’t always

5. 当别人向他征询意见时,他总是乐于助人。

he was ready to help others when others

6. 谢谢你带我们参观了校园。

thank youyour school.

7. 他好像知道了整件事。

he knew the whole thing.

8. 我常常一个人回家,但妈妈这个周五下午亲自来接我。

i often go homebut my mum picked me up this friday afternoon


he played the violin

10 不要说了,我明白了。

i see.

11. 如果你累了,就停下来,好好歇息一下吧。

if you are tired

12. 是什么让你对游戏这么感兴趣?www .xkb om


13. 起初我不了解他,最后我们成为了好朋友。

i knew little about him, butwe became good friends.

154 不要害怕和陌生人交朋友。

don’t be afraidwith strangers.


good evening, boys and girls. here is our (1sports news. in the football match this afternoon, class 1 (2class 2.

before the match, class 1 practiced every afternoon after class. they (3well. at the beginning of the match, class 2 (4one goal.

but the players of class 1 didn’t lose their hearts. during the match, they did (5well that they scored three (6s. in the end, they (7the match.

although all the students of class 2 (8losing, they said that they would keep going. at last, tomorrow’s weather---9in the morning, but it will (10raining in the afternoon. and that’s the end of the news.


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