
发布 2022-10-23 07:05:28 阅读 2413

知识点归纳 unit 2 what should i do?

一. 请关注下列短语。

1. argue with sb. 与某人争吵2. argue about sth. 争论(吵)某事

3. write sb. a letter =write a letter to sb.=write to sb. 写信给某人

4. give sb. sth.= give sth to sb.给某人某物

5. ask sb. for sth. 向某人要某物

6. buy sth. for sb. 给某人买某物。

7. tell / ask sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉/ 叫某人(不)做某事。

on (well) with sb. 与某人相处(融洽)

9. not….until 直到…才10. complain to sb. about sth. 向某人抱怨某事。

11. know about 了解,知道….的情况 with 与…比较

二. 重点句型及考点。

的用法: (1)enough + n2)adj./adv.+ enough;

如: i don’t h**e enough money. /their school days are busy enough.

2. pay for, spend, take ,cost

it takes sb. some time to do sth

某人+pay +钱+for sth.

某人+spend +钱 / 时间+ on sth./ sb. spend some time doing sth.

某物+ cost sb. +钱。

3. borrow, lend ,keep 借。

borrow 借入 (短暂动词) borrow sth. from sb. he often borrows money from his friend.

lend 借出 (短暂动词) lend sth. to sbhe is so nice that he lent his new computer to me.

keep 保持,借多久(持续动词) the librarian told me that i could keep this magazine for a month.

(不可数名词) suggestion (可数名词)

an advice × a piece of advicesome advices × some advice √

5. either: (1)也 (用于否定句,句尾)

2)either of后接可数名词复数,意为(两者中的)任一的。

3)either…or… 或者。或者(就近原则) either you or i am right.

i don’t h**e money either. i h**e two pens you can take either of them.

6. a ticket to a ball game 一张球赛的票此处不用of 而用to 表示“的”

相似用法: the answer to the question; the key to the door; the way to the school; the entrance/ exit to the theater


put on, dress, in

wear 穿着,戴着(强调状态put on 穿上 (强调动作)

dress 给某人穿衣服, 一般搭配是dress sb.

in 穿着( 介词,常用于in + 颜色,用于句中有其他动词时)

is wearing a beautiful suit today.

this five-year-old boy is old enough to dress himself.

it’s cold outside, put on your coat. the lady in white is our teacher.

2. look for, find, find out

look for 寻找, 强调动作find 找到,发现。强调找的结果。

find out 找出,发现,查明(事实或信息)。 强调经过调查、询问、打听之后搞清楚,弄明白。

i can’t find my pen, i’m looking for it everywhere.

the police man decided to find out the truth about what happened..

3. except(= but) 除…之外 (不包括后者),but 常与nobody,nothing, everyone等不定代词连用。

besides 除…之外(包括后者) beside 在…旁边。

everyone went on the school trip except jim, he was ill in hospital.

besides english we h**e to learn chinese, math, physics and so on.

there is nothing but a pen in the box.

the library is beside the playground.

4 such + a / an + adj.) 可数名词单数 such + adj. )可数名词复数/ 不可数名词。

so+ adj./ adv. so+ adj. +a/ an+可数名词单数 so many / much / little/ few + 名词。

so, such 后都可以接that 引导的从句。

he is such a popular teacher(= so popular a teacher) that all his students like him.

there are such beautiful flowers in the park.

liu xiang runs so quickly that no one can catch up with him.

选词填空。1. could or should

i think you __say sorry to your friendhe __skate at the age of six.

2. borrow, lend or keep

--how long can i __this book? –two months. could youyour *** to me?

3. join or take part in

the soccer playernational team at the age of 16. he __the league last year.

4. wear, put on ,dress or in

we always __school uniform. the boypink looks so strange.

5. look for, find or find out

read the passage and try tothe answer to this question.

-what are youmy glasses.

6. except, beside, besides

this toy bear, the little girl has many lovely toys.

everyonejill went to the mountains, jill had to look after his little sister at home.

7. forget or le**e

-miss chen ,i am sorry tomy homework at home.

-don’t __it next time.


. 单项选择(15分)

) 1. please show me your ticket __the concert.

a. atb. inc. tod. on

) 2. he doesn’t like talking with his friends __the phone.

a. inb. onc. ofd. to

) 3. could you turn your radio down a little? it’s so .


一 词组。1组织 在外2.想让某人干某事3.时髦的4.不时髦的5.给每人写一封信6.打 给 7.把某物给某人8.通过 9.和 吵架10.需要干某事11.得到某物干某事12.为 付款13.从 借14.向某人要某物15.告诉某人某事16.告诉某人干某事17.查出 找出18.把某物丢 落 忘在某地19.生...


一 单词。1.不让。进入2.3.争论4.错误的。5.怎么了6.风格。7.不时髦的8.可以。9.打 给10.票。11.使惊奇12.用 交谈。13.怎么了14.付。账。15.兼职工作16.好的。17.同样的 不18.烤。19.面包或糕饼的售卖活动20.青少年论坛。21.家庭教师22.新颖的。23.与。同...


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