
发布 2022-10-23 08:17:28 阅读 9566

comic strip & welcome to the uniti. eddie和hobo心中的学校是什么样的?根据你对他们的了解,来填空吧!

hobowantstoknow___dogsdon’tgoto___it’s justtv. but there arein it. do you think so?


in england, we call it“autumn”, but in america, they call it2.

in england, people go up and down byin the tall building.3.

do you know another way of saying“garbage can”? i know, it’s4.

what does“soccer”mean? it means5.

now, can you find thebetween british english and american 根据句意和所给单词填空:

1. -sorry, i am late.

- why don’t youget) up early?2. do you think dogs aresmart) than people?

3. who islazy), hobo or eddie?4.

my parents likewatch) tv in the evening.5. we needlittle) money andfew) people to do the work.

6.can you tell me anydifferent) betweenbritain) english andamerica)english?7.

- whatbe) your school like?--it __look) like a beautiful garden.8.

there are too manyadvertisement) on tv.9. thank you fortell) us your ideal school.

10. mathsbe) very important. we should work hard on it.

11. why don’t yougo) to the playground.12.

the moviebe) on at the cinema next week.13. of all the things, the one on the left isbad).

14. jill isn’t astall) as lucy.15.

i know they are trying theirgood) in this matter.

iv.选用be like, look like would like, like的适当形式填空:

1.–what subject __you __

- ienglish.2.–what __yao ming

- he is tall and strong.3.–what __you __to do on the coming holiday?

- i __to go to korea for holiday.4.–what __his daughter __

she’s lovely and very (1)i.根据句中提示或题意写出单词的正确形式。

1. i brush my teethtwo) a day.2.

my mum can cook twith a pleasant taste) meals.3. of all the si like english best.

4. these students are studying in amix) school now.5.

don’t le**e me at home byme).6. i a___her for her br**ery.

7. do you mind myclose) the window.8.

if you want to beyou should cookfood and eathealth)ii.分门别类。阅读完课文,请把下列谈及的内容给john和nancy归类。

1. a mixed school

2. go to school in a car

3. cook healthy and tasty meals4. talk to each other

5. home economics

6. play softball7. go to a bubby club

8. a reading week

9. go to shopping malls10. talk to friends about booksjohnnancyiii.经过本节课的学习,你能介绍一下。



a) john’s school:

john lives inhe is astudent in a school called __school. it is a __and girls h**e lessonsjohn and his friends h**e many __at school. john’s f**orite one ishomeeconomicsbecausehecanlearnhowto___and___heknew___aboutthis___hecame to this school.

he even didn’t know how tohimself. but now you see he can cook __

and __meals.

john’s school has aevery year. they __it very much. they read books from the school___or from theirthey must tell their __what they are reading.

near the __of eachclass,they___because they want to read __the books of their friends

b) nancy’s school:

nancyisan___has ajim. jim is 17old. he hadlessons in school lastyear.

now, he can drive on hishe __nancy __school every day. nancy thinks it is __because it is __thanthe bus.

nancylikes___when __comes, she always goes to a“buddystudents tell new students aboutschool __there. nancy __it a lot. her __is julie.

julie is also nancy’s __because she helpsherwith___andoftenlistenstoherlunchtime,nancy___herfriendsandtheyalways h**e a great timeto each other. sometimes, they go toafter (2)i.小小翻译家。














boys and girls h**e lessons together in a school. it’s2.

the pretty girl is good at sing, and dancing

can imy books and magazines from my home?4.

bill oftenmemy maths.5.

do you know home economics? it can tell you6.

during the summer holiday, we alwaystr**eling.

you can make lots of friends in8.

i h**eher name is 用as well, too, either, also填空:1.

i like this color, i like that color2.

sandy in my friend. kate is my friend3.

iwant to read the computer books.4.

john doesn’t like basketballiv.单项选择:(

1. tom! don’t play with your toy alone. you must learn to

a. h**e fun

b. play

c. share

d. enjoy yourself(

2. there’sin the fridge.

a. many vegetables

b. few noodles

c. little *****

d. a little meat(

3. i can even __in south china in winter.

a. eat ice-cream

b. being cold

c. to wear skirt

d. watch tv(

4. the child felt happy __he could stay at home with his parents.

a. asb. because of

c. because

d. but(

5. our teacher always helpsour study and life.

a. us to

b. we with

c. us for

d. us with(

6. missgao’s __sister works in no.1 middle school.

a. old

b. older

c. eld

d. elder(

7. students always h**e a good time __each other.

a. talk with

b. talking to

c. to talk

d. taking(

8. i like the tv channel with funnier programmes butadvertisements.

a. few

b. fewer

c. little

d. less


八年级英语unit 2学案。单元重点过关情况 掌握为 反之为 天才在于勤奋,聪明在于积累!姓名。单词。对话。语法。学案。选背。家长签字。以下均为本单元的重点必会内容,请同学们一定熟练掌握。一 单词。二 重点短语。1.在周末20.和某人相处的好39.在某人的业余时间2.去看电影21.对某人好40.根本...


unit 2 i ll help to clean up the city parks.听力试题 材料及答案。level 1 基础篇。i.听句子,选出你所听到的单词或短语。每个句子读一遍。run away b.run off c.run out of 2.b.kindness clean up da...


help to clean up the city parks 1.打扫 或清除 干净2.欢呼 喝彩v3.使变得高兴 振奋起来4.分发 散发5.义务做 自愿做v自愿者n6.想出 提出 主意 计划 回答等。7.推迟8.标志 信号n 9.通知 通告n注意到 意识到v10.分发。11.打 给某人 征召12...