
发布 2022-09-25 04:40:28 阅读 3585







) beside b. by c. bag d. climb

) c. meat d. le**e

) c. bus d. run

) c. should d. loud

) worry b. corner c. short d. wall

) 6.a.open b. post c. box d. over


) 7. -do you h**e a computer?

---yes, i h**e a computer.

a. yesb. yes, i h**e. c. yes, i d. a computer

) 8. -how long do they want you to stay with them ?

---for about six months., six b. six months c. about six months d. six

c) 根据情景选择一般情况下正确的语调。

) 9. -what happened to susan?

---she fell on the ground.

---i’m sorry to hear that.

a. 升,降,降 b. 降,降,降, c. 降,降,升 d. 升,升,降。

) 10. -where are you from?

---i’m from canada.

---pardon me?

a. 降,降,降, b. 升,降,升 c. 降,降,升, d.降,升,降,ii. 词汇考查 。(15分)

a). 按要求转换下列各词。(共6分)

11. hurt (过去式12. lose (过去式。

13. different(名词14. west(形容词。

15. help (形容词16. video (复数。



19.放弃 up with

the part in

c) .根据首字母及汉语提示,填入适当地单词。(3分)

chas a long history in the world.

girl is always quite紧张的) when she speaks in front of others.

25. last month he wrote a few日记 ).


) 26.he flies to beijing.

a. take a plane tob. take a plane

c. takes a plane tod. takes a plane

)27. _is a teacher. what’s __name?

a. he hisb. he he c. her she d .it its

) 12:00 .it’s time __lunch.

a .forb. withc. tod. on

)29. when do you get to xi’an?

a. arrive b. arrive inc. arrive at d. reach to

)30. look! the children __kites over there.

a. fly b. are flying c. is flying d . to fly

) shopping.

a. to gob. goc. goesd. going

)32. mr. smith __me english last year.

a. taughtb. teaches c. teached d. teacher

)33. i would like___some pop, i’m thirsty.

a. drinkb. to drink c. to drinking d. drinks

)34. what about __me with my chinese?

a. helpb. helpsc. helpingd. helped

) 35. mr. su teaches __chinese.

a. ib. mec. myd. mine

) is my birthday and my mother is __a cake __me.

a. ******, to b. ******, for c. doing, to d. doing, for

) 37. -cindy, dinner is ready, where is john?

---he __his homework in his room.

a. doesb. didc. is doing d. will do

) 38. -is __here

---no, bob and tom aren’t here.

a. anybody b. everyone c. somebodyd. someone

) is in the shop with her mother. she’s helping her __

a. go shoppingb. to go the shopping

c. doing shoppingd. with shopping

) 40. there __a talk show on cctv-3 at eight this evening.

a. is going to beb. is going to h**e

c. will h**ed. is going to be h**e

) 41. -are you going to go on a picnic __

---yes, we are.

a. next day b. in next week c. tomorrow sunday d. next month

) 42. -will there be school in the future?

---no, there __

a. isn’t b. won’t be c. won’td. won’t is

) 43. the children are playing cards __in the park. they feel __

a. happily, happyb. happy, happily

c. happily, happilyd. happy, happy

) 44. there are seven __people in hone kong.

七年级下册字词检测 期中

一 给加点字注音。1.元勋 2.奠基 3.选聘 4.彷徨5.鲜为人知 6.妇孺皆知 7.殷红 8.殷勤 9.宰割 10.罗布泊 11.澎湃12.校补 13.赫然 14.疏懒 15.漂白 16.锲而不舍 17.气冲斗牛 18.潜心贯注 19.群蚁排衙 20.揩桌子 21.咳嗽 22.调羹 23.阖眼 ...


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