
发布 2022-09-25 01:56:28 阅读 4964



boys and girls , 经过一段时间的学习,相信你一定又学会了很多英语知识。仔细的做一做下面的题目,看看自己学会了多少啊? come on!



1.进行体育活动 2.什么时候 3.滑冰 4.种树 5.叔叔

6.九月(缩写)7.11月(缩写)8.放风筝 9.夏天 10.第二十(缩写)


( )1.a.go hiking b.go shopping c.week

( )2.a.whyb.winterc.what

( )3.a.nov. b.firstc.jan.

( )4.a.season b.winter c.summer

( )5.a.usually b.often c.when

( )fivec. fifth

( )b.

) b.


)1. my birthday is __may.

a .on b. at c. in

( )2 ._do you get up? –i usually get up at 3:00.

a. which b. why c .when

( )3. what do you do __the weekend?

a. in b. at c. on

) 4. _your f**ourite season?

a .what b .what’s c .when

) 5. -when is___birthday? -my birthday is in february.

a. your c. her

) 6. -what’s the date

a. it’s october 1st . b. it’s october 1st. c. it’s october 1st .

) 7. i don’t like __it’s too cold .

a .summer b. spring c. winter

) 8. i often go home __4:30.

a. in b. at c. on

) 9. is your birthday in __

a. may b. may c. june

) 10 i like winter . i can play __snow .

a .in b. at c .with

)11. i often watch tv. _i go hiking.

a. often b. usually

)12. _season do you like best?

a. which b. what

)13.-_do you like winter? -i can sleep a long time.

b. what, often because

)14.-who has a birthday in october

a. ib. me. c. my.

)15. i usually play __piano on mondays.

a. the c. an

)16. _is the seventh month of the year.

a. june b. july c. august

)17. i can swim __summer.

a. in b. on

)18. it’s __it’s hot.

b. summer c. winter

)19. i like music. i often __on the weekend.

a. play sports b. play football the piano

)20.__is teachers’ day.

a. sept. 10th b. sept. 10th c. sept.10th


1. iat 7:00. (起床)

生日) is in __五月).

3.__do you play sports? (什么时候)

do you do on the周末)

5为什么) do you like spring?

因为) i can fly kites.

6哪一个)season do you like __最)?


1.my birthday is in june.

2. -which season do you like best ?

i can play with snow.


hello, i’m tom. my birthday is in february. i’m from beijing.

beijing is beautiful city. in spring, i can visit the grate wall(长城). in summer, it’s hot.

i can swim in the lake. in fall, it’s cool. the sky is blue.

in winter, it’s cold. i can play with snow. now i’m a student, i often go to school at 8:

00. i like music. i often play the piano on the weekend.

)1. tom’s birthday is in february.

) 2. in spring,tom can swim .

) 3. tom can play with snow in winter.

) 4. tom goes to school at 8:10 .

) 5. tom often play sports on the weekend.


文成双语2014 2015学年第二学期五英期中试卷。时间 90分钟 分值 120分 制卷人 彭爱芹。听力部分 30分 一 听录音选出你所听到的内容 10分 day b do c does chinese b english c maths toothache b earache c headache...


五月花中小学。2011 2012学年度 下 期中测评卷。五年级英语。总分 100分时间 60分钟命题人 刘洪益 听力部分 分 一 根据录音内容,将下面每题中你认为符合的选项的字母编号圈住。5分 1.a.morning b afternoon c evening 2.a shopping b swim...


广洋湖镇中心五年级英语期中阶段达成度检测2011.11 得分。听力部分 24分 一 听音判断 听录音,判断图意是否与所听内容相符,相符的画笑脸,不符的画哭脸。听两遍 12分 二 排列顺序 听对话,找出与你所听内容相符的图画,并将序号填入该图下方的括号内。听两遍 12分 笔试部分 76分 三 找出与所...