
发布 2022-09-25 01:54:28 阅读 2938



时间:50分钟;内容:unit1-recycle2 ;满分:100分。



) b、spring c、october d、june

) b、summer c、winter d、autumn

) b、breakfast c、lunch d、sports

) b、may c、february d、august

( )d、pick

( )b、snow c、windy d、sunny


often clean my room on sundays!

like winter best.

play sports at 6:00

often make a snowman with my family.

often go swimming in summer.


)1. we h**e a few fun thingsspring.

b. on c. in

)2.--when isit’s in march.

year’s day panting day party

) mooncakes with my family.

a. play b. eat

) 4is usually in september.

a. summer vacation b. christmas c. mid-autumn day

) usually __a school trip in autumn.

a. go b. h**e

)6is the partit’s in april.

a. when b. what c. who

)7season do you like best? -i like spring best.

a .where b. how c. which

) 8. lookmy picture.

a. on b. at c. to

) 9. i often go___a picnic with my family

a. on c. in

) weathergood and the colours __beautiful.

c. is;are


) do you like summera. it’s in june.

) do you do in the summerb. i like winter best.

) do you do moringin exercise? c. because i like summer vacation.

)4. when is children’s dayd. i often go swimming.

)5. do you like springe. at 7 o’clock.

)6、which season do you like bestf. yes,i do.


)1、sometimes,we __apples in autumn.

)2、i often __a snowman with my friends in winter.

)3、i can go __in summer.

)4、we’ll __to the great wall.

)5、i really __the colours.

)6、 _you like the music?

)7、i eat___at 9:00

、情景交际,从方框里找出正确答案的序号写在括号里,把对话补充完整。 (每小题2分,共10分)


sarah:my mum worked last i’m shopping today.

shopkeeperso what do you do on the weekend?

sarahand play sports with my friends.

shopkeeper:that sounds like a lot of fun.

sarah:yes,but i’m also hard-workingsometimes i cook dinner.

shopkeeperyou need a robot to help you!


my name is wu from hainan. i usually get up at 7:00 o’clock in the morning and go to school at 7:

20. because classes start at 8:00 o’ weekends , i often get up at clean my room,and then i play sports with my like summer sunny .

i can go swimming in the i like winter, my birthday is in december.

)1. wu yifan is from hainan.

) 7:20,wu yifan goes to school..

)3. on weekends,wuyifan gets up at 7:20.

) start at 8:00 o’clock.

)5. in winter,wu yifan can go swimming in the sea.


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