
发布 2022-09-25 01:02:28 阅读 8116







)1. a. morning b .afternoon c .evening

)2. a .shopping b .swimming c .fishing

)3. a .coolb .coldc. warm.

)4. a .when b .herec. what.

)5. a .dayb .dayc .date

)6. a .julyb .junec .may

)7. a .twelve b .twelfthc .twentieth

)8. a .plane b. platec .play

( )9. a .october 1st b .october 2nd c .october 3rd

)10. a.6:15b .6:50c .3:50


1、( i usually read books in the morning.

2、( today is june 3rd.

3、( mike is active.

4、( my uncle’s birthday isn’t in may.

5、( spring is sarah’s f**orite season.


) can’t plant trees in fall ..

) 7. sarah’s f**ourite season is summer.

) 8 . mike often gets up at 9:00.

) 9. sarah’s birthday is in june

) and zhangpeng usually watch tv and go shopping on the weekend.


) 1. a .it’s springb. it’s winterc. .it’s summer .

) 2. a. at 9:00. b. at 12:00c. at 7:00 .

) 3. a. it’s march 8th . b. it’s june 1stc. it’s october 1st .

) 4. a. i go to the zoo b. we often fly kites . c. they u`sually play games

) 5. a. it’s fridayb .it’s april 23rdc. it’s spring .

)6、a、yes, i do. b、 yes, he is. c、yes, i am.

)7、a、she can sing. b、 she is tall. c、no, she isn’t.

)8、a、i often go hiking. b、my birthday is in sept. c、october is her birthday.

)9、a、at 10:00. b、at 7:30c、at 11:40.

)10、a、it’s saturday. b、it’s april 18th . c、it’s 8:oo.


) 1、mike goes to school at 7:00.

) 2、mike’s f**ourite class is english.

) 3、mike likes playing ping-pong.

) 4、mike has four or five classes every day.

) 5、mike has painting class on the weekend.


一、 选择合适的词的序号。(1分)

)1. -what's your f**ourite season?

a. i like fall best. b. february is my f**ourite. c. i swim in summer.

)2. my parents usually get up6:40.

a. on b. in c. at

( )3. i go to school at 7:30.

a. usually b. amc. are

)4 . what's the date today?

a. it's tuesday. b. it's cool c. it's april 1st.

( )5your birthday in february?


a. areb. amc. is

)6 . is amy answering the phone?

a. yes, he does. b. no, she is writing a letter. c. no, he isn't.

)7. august is themonth of the year.

a. seven b. ninth c. eighth

( )8. my birthday is in june. about you?

a. what b. whoc. when

)9. -what is mike doing?

---hea. running b. swims in the river c. is walking

)10do you like summer?

i can swim in the river.

a. why, because b. why, and c. which, because

)11. there is a call __you.

a. for b. on c. at

( )12do you go to school?

---at 7:30.

a. how b. where c. when

( )13. -what’s the like in spring?

---it’s warm and sunny.

a. dayb. weather c. shorts

)14. -what’s your season, chen jie ?


b. bestc. f**ourite

)15. children’s day is in

a. may b. julyc. june

) national day is on __

a. oct. 1st b. sept. 10th c. dec. 25th

) day is___


文成双语2014 2015学年第二学期五英期中试卷。时间 90分钟 分值 120分 制卷人 彭爱芹。听力部分 30分 一 听录音选出你所听到的内容 10分 day b do c does chinese b english c maths toothache b earache c headache...


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