
发布 2022-09-25 02:05:28 阅读 1420



满分100分 ,60分钟完卷) 广东省湛江市麻章太平中心小学塘边校区李桂华。


一、听录音内容,选择你所听到的单词, 短语或句子。(10分)

) 1、a. tuesday b. thursday c. wednesday

) 2、a. potato b. photo c. tomato

) 3、a. food b. fruit c. four

) 4、a. house b. mouse c. horse

) 5、a. strict b. strong c. tall

) 6、a. 13 b.50 c. 15

) 7、a. it is sunday b. it’s sunny today. c. it’s a sunny day

) 8、a. on saturday b. on sunday c. on monday

) 9、a. i often read books. b. we often read books.

c. they often read books

) 10、 and strong b. tall and thin

c. young and tall

二、听录音判断对错,用 “√或“╳”表示(10分)

) 6、 tomorrow is sunday.

) 7、amy likes mutton very much.

) 8、 mr wang is short.

) 9、ben has potatoes for lunch on wednesday.

) 10、my f**ourite day is tuesday.


1、my art teacher isand

2she short? no, she is __

3、 whatis it today? it’s

4、 today isi often do my

5、 i likebut i don’t like


)1.a. mr green. b. he is tall and strong. c. she is young

)2. a. it’s 8:00 b. it’s hotc. it’s tuesday.

)3. a. i h**e eggplant and tomatoes. b. i read books.

c. i like apple juice.

)4. a. no, she is. b. no, she is very active. c. no, she’s quiet.

) mutton. b. eggplantc. peach.

笔试部分 (60分)


)1. a. make b. cake c. apple d. late

) 2. a. glass b. basket c. mask d. hat

) 3. a. see b. great c. read d. please

) 4. a. rabbit b. bike c. ride d. find

) 5. a. think b. this c. thank d. three


) 1. do you h**e a new teacher?

a. yes, i am. b. no, i don't. c. no, i do.

) 2your math teacher? mr zhao.

a. what's b. who's c. where's

) 3. —what's he like?— he's __

a. funny b. fun c. principal

) 4. is she quiet?

a. yes, she isn't. b. no, she is. c. no, she isn't.

) 5. what __is it today?

a. day b. today c. date

) 6. what do we h**e on mondays? we h**e __

a. friday b. science c. fruit

) 7. what do you __on saturdays?

a. is b. does c. do

) 8. what___you?

a. are b. about c. do

) 9. what would you like for lunch? i'd like some __

a. green beans b. green bean c. bean

) 10. i don't like grapes. they are __

a .sweet b. sour c. healthy

七.情景会话。 (5分)


the weather today? is the weather today?

the date?


is today? the date? c. what day is it today?

)3.当别人对你说“would you like some grapes?”你不想吃葡萄时,应说:

a. yes , please. b. no! c. no, thanks.

)4. 当你别人对你说“thank you!“时,你应说:

a. just right. b. you’re welcome! c. thank you!


a.who’s your math teacher? b. who’s your art teacher?

c. what’s your art teacher?


iii( )1. how many classrooms are there? a. i can sing.

( )2. shall go nowb. it’s near the house.

( )3. what would you likec. all right.

( )4. is there a toilet in the building? d. twenty-four.

( )5. where is the gardene. yes, i do.

( )6. do you like your little house? f. we need some masks.

( )7. what can you dog. no, thanks.

( )8. what do we needh. here’s a cake for you.

( )9. can we help youi. yes, there is.

( )10. i’m hungry, mumj. i’d like some chocolate.


2013 2014 学年度第二学期五年英语期中试题。班级姓名。listening part 听力部分。listen and tick.听一听,用 选出相应的 4 分。listen and choose.请根据你听到的问句选出相应的答。语,并将答案序号填在题前的括号里。6分。1.a.she is a ...


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曹王三小2015 2016学年度上学期期中质量检测。五年级英语。小朋友们,在这段时间内,你一定掌握了许多知识和本领,这儿为你提供一个展示自我的舞台,你要加油哟!1 写单词 10分 1.年轻的2.羞怯的。3.星期五4.周末。5.三明治6.沙拉。7.体贴的8.严厉的。9.看电视10.踢足球。二 判断每组...