
发布 2023-04-18 10:51:28 阅读 1881






)1. a. youb. youngc. your

)2. a. tuesdayb. thursdayc. thirsty

)3. a. washb. watchc. wall

)4. a. saladb. sweetc. sandwich

)5. a. readb. breadc. tea

)6. a. healthyb. hard-workingc. helpful

)7. a. missb. mrc. ms

)8. a. saturdayb. sundayc. sunny

)9. a. oldb. aboutc. open

)10. a. play sports b. play football c. do homework


)11. a. do you often read books in this park?

b. do you often play football in that park?

( )12. a. what would you like to drink?

b. what would you like to eat?

)13. a. what do you h**e on thursdays?

b. what do you do on thursdays?

( )14. a. mr. young is our new music teacher.

b. mr. young is my new art teacher.

( )15 a. i’d like a sandwich and some tea.

b. i’d like a hamburger and some milk

iii. 情景反应:听录音,根据对话内容,选择正确的答案。(10分)

) yes, he is.

b. no, he isn’t.

)17. a. i h**e a cooking class

b. i h**e maths, english and music.

) yes, i do.

b. no, i don’t

( )she like ice cream

b. she like beef noodles

) he is very polite.

b. he is very hard-working.


hi. my name is chen jie. miss white is my teacher.

i like her very much. she is so and kind. today is monday.

i h**e chinese, english and today. we h**e beef noodles and fish for lunch today. now, it is time to read books in the .


)26. a. politeb. shyc. healthy

)27. a. todayb. sundayc. saturday

)28. a. teab. sandwichc. hamburger

)29. a. science b. tomatoc. chinese

)30. a. mrb. girlc. miss


31. strict(反义词32. young(反义词。

33. sunday(缩略形式34. sandwich(复数形式。

35. delicious(中文意思。


)36. 当你想问“她怎么样”时,应说:

a. what’s she like?

b. who is he?


a. what’s the weather like on thursday?

b. what do you h**e on thursdays?


a. my f**ourite food is fish.

b. i like fish very much.


a. did you often read books in the library?

b. do you often read books in this park?


a. i h**e maths, art and english.

b. i h**e maths, music and chinese.


)41. mr. young is our music teacher. is funny.

a. sheb. hec. it

)42.-what do you h**e thursdays?

a. onb. atc. in

)43. –what would you like to ?

some tea, please.

a. eatb. doc. drink

)44. you often read books in this park?

a. howb. whatc. do

)45. –what’s your f**ourite food?

noodles. i love beef noodlesdelicious.

a. they’reb. it’sc. we’re


hi , i’m a polite girl , my name is chen jie. i h**e a lot of friends at school . amy is my best friend .

she is short and thin , her eyes are small . she’s very clever .

we like tuesdays very much . we h**e music and computer . miss qian is our music teacher .

she is young and kind . we h**e potatoes and beef for lunch on tuesdays . and beef is my f**orite food .

it’s delicious and healthy . i often read books on saturdays . on sundays , i watch tv , sometimes i wash my clothes .

we all like weekends .


文斗小学2007年秋季五年级期中语文测试。一 积累与运用。1 看拼音写词语。f nw i h ngr n ji zu p ngh ng d nw k sou zh nggu nl d i hu ngr nd w ji nyu z nsh 2 把下列词语补充完整,你一定能行!高风 万古 寸草与共相接。...


期中小测。一 填空题1 填空。24分 1 一个小数,从小数部分的某一位起,或 依次不断地 出现,这样的小数叫做 2 在3.82,5.6,0.35,0.002,2.7,3.2727 中,是有限小数的是 是循环小数的数 3 写出下面各循环小数的近似值 保留三位小数 12分 二 竖式计算 带 号的要验算 ...


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