
发布 2023-04-18 10:49:28 阅读 4303

一.把下面的字母按顺序排列好: (14分)

n p r s z x w u v t o m q y

二. 用规范的手写体书写下列单词或词组。(8个单词或词组,共16分)

eat dinner, july, play with, fly kites,

fall, go hiking, usually, afternoon

三. 看**,选出正确的单词或短语,将序号填在括号里。(10小题, 共20分)

)1. b. eat dinner b. eat breakfast

) do homework b. play the piano ( 4. hiking b. climb mountains

) b. go shopping ( 6. a. make a snowman b. eat breakfast

) trees b. play football ( 26 b. april 26th

) hiking b. play kites to scool

四. 找出下面每组中不同类的单词,把序号填到括号中。(5小题,共10分)

) uncle

) skate

) season

五. 根据问句选出适当的答句,将序号填在题前括号内。(5小题,共10分)

)1. is your birthday in october? a. at 9:00 in the evening.

) do you go to work? b. it’s july 15th .

) season does amy like best? c. becuase i can fly kites.

)4. what’s the dated. yes,it’s.

) do you like likes sping best.

六. 选择正确的答案,把序号填到括号里。(5小题,共10分)

) 1i’m a policeman

a. what do you do b. how are you

( )is the __

) 3. when is your birthday

in may 1st . may 1st .

( )4. shefly kites.

b. doesn’t

( )5. you don’t like don’t like summer

a. too

( )her birthday june 9th

it is. b. yes,she is ..

) 7. when isbirthday? in may.

a. uncle bill’s bill

)8. when is teachers’ day

a. it’s october 1th . september 10th .

)9do you play sports?

i play sports at 5:00.

a. when b. what

) mother is a teacher. she goes to school___7:00 __the morning.

a. at…on b. at…in


1. do, when , get up , you (?

2. always, is , it, cool , sunny and (.

3. father’s, is , march my , birthday in (.

4. f**ourite, what , is, season , your (?

5. questions ask i you some can (?


my name is tom. my birthday is june 2nd. the weather is sunny and hot.

it’s my f**ourite season. on my birthday, i usually h**e a birthday party. sometimes we h**e a picnic.

tomorrow is my birthday. i am cleaning the room now. my mom is ****** a birthday cake(蛋糕) for me.


五年级英语下册期中模拟测试卷二。2.当你询问别人最喜欢的季节时,应说 一 找出不同类的单词。1.whatc.whered.then2.summerc.seasond.winter3.datec.aprild.march4.secondc.threed.fifth二 英汉互译。do morning e...


一 补全单词 10分。1.春天sp ng 2.季节s son 3.四月 pr l 4.有时s met mes 5.第九n th 6.十月oct b 7.周末 w k nd 8.日期d t 9.滑冰 sk t 10.她的h 二 英汉互译 10分。1.吃晚饭2.上英语课。3.购物4弹钢琴。5.起床6.去...


一 看图,写单词。10分 二 根据中文提示,完成句子。10分 1.我最喜欢春季。i like 2.你在周末通常做些什么?what you usually do on the 3.明天让我们一起去晨练。let s dotomorrow.4.五月是一年的第五个月。is themonth of a yea...