
发布 2020-10-27 05:43:28 阅读 2004



1. 我最喜欢春季。

i like

2. 你在周末通常做些什么?

what __you usually do on the

3. 明天让我们一起去晨练。

let’s dotomorrow.

4. 五月是一年的第五个月。

___is themonth of a year.

5. 今天是几月几日?

___is thetoday?

三.选择合适的单词填空, 将单词填在横线上:(10分)

a、 what b、which c、when d、who e、why

)1、__do you get up ?

)2、__do you do on the weekend ?

)3、__season do you like ?

)4、__do you like summer?

)5、__has a birthday in october?


)1. -what's your f**ourite season?

b. february c. i can swim.

)2. my parents usually get up6:40.

a. on b. in c. at

)3it’s may 1st .

a. what day is it today?

b. what time is it?

c. what’s the date today?

)4. august is themonth of the year.

a. seven b. ninth c. eighth

)5do you like summer?

i can swim in the river.

a. why, becauseb. why, and c. which, because

)6. i can make a snowman in

winter c. summer

)7、what is the __today?- it’s april 29th.

a、weather b、day c、date

)8do you play sports?

i play sports at 5:00.

a. what b. when c. why

)9、i usually eat dinner __7:00 __the evening.

a、in: atb、at ;inc、at ;at

)10、my birthday is __june.



1. national daya. march 8th

2. tree-planting dayb. december 25th

3. women’s dayc. october the first

4. children’s dayd. march 24th

5. christmas daye. june the first


1、dinner, eat, when, you, do, (

2、shopping, go, i, usually, weekend, the, on, (

3、season, f**ourite, my, fall, is, (

4、like ,you ,why, winter ,do,(?

5、june, in, is, birthday, my, (


1. 你想知道今天是几月几日时,你应该问:(

a. when is your birthday? b. what is the date today?

2. 当你想问你的朋友的生日是否在三月,你应该问:(

a. is your birthday in march? b. is your birthday in may?

3. 你想问同学周末经常做什么,你应该问:(

a. what do you do on the weekend?

b. when do you get up?

4. 你想约你的同学,下周来一起去远足,你应该说:(

a. let’s go hiking together next weekend.

b. i often go hiking on the weekend.

5. 朋友过生日,你应该说( )

a. happy birthday! b. you’re welcome.


amy: when do you get up?

mike: i get up at six forty. i get up early because i h**e breakfast at home.

amy: what about weekends?

mike: oh, i get up at eight .

amy: what do you do on the weekends?

mike: usually i watch tv and do my homework. sometimes i go hiking. what about you?

amy: me too. and i often read books, too.

mike: tomorrow(明天) is children’s day. let’s go hiking together .

amy: great !

)1. today is may the first.

)2. amy often watches tv and does her homework on the weekends .

)3. mike usually gets up at 6:30.

)4. mike has breakfast at home.

)5. mike reads books on the weekends.


一 补全单词 10分。1.春天sp ng 2.季节s son 3.四月 pr l 4.有时s met mes 5.第九n th 6.十月oct b 7.周末 w k nd 8.日期d t 9.滑冰 sk t 10.她的h 二 英汉互译 10分。1.吃晚饭2.上英语课。3.购物4弹钢琴。5.起床6.去...


笔试部分 共 分 一 读一读,判断下面划线部分读音是否相同,相同画 不同画 5分 1 sky skirt2 wait mountains3 spring sports 4 nearn chair5 today say 二 选择填空,补全单词 6分 1.sl p a.ie b.ee c.eo 2.n ...


pep小学英语五年级下册期中试卷。学校 班级 姓名 卷面分 得分 听力部分 40分 听录音,选择你所听到的内容,把字母编号写在括号里。10分 1.a.firstb.fifthc.fourth 2.a.which b.whenc.where 3.a.today day 4.a.spring b.spo...