
发布 2020-10-27 08:57:28 阅读 5064




时间:40分钟) 等级。


一、listen and choose.听录音,选出你所听到句子中含有的单词,将其字母标号填在题前括号内。

) 1、a、cabbage b、 vegetable c、 village

) 2、a、tomato b、muttonc、much

) 3、a、university b、healthc、healthy

) 4、a、teacher b、studentc、principal

) 5、a、porkb、frogc、fork

二、 listen and tick(√)听录音,选择。

1. a..西红柿豆腐鱼 b.土豆豆腐鱼

2. a..看书b.看电视

3. a..青豆黄瓜 b.茄子青豆。

4. a..星期二b.星期四。

5. a..瘦的老师b.胖的老师。

三、listen and choose.听问句选答语或听答语选问句。

) 1、a. he is tall. zhao. c. he’s a teacher.

) 2、a. i like watching i’m a student.

often do homework.

3、a. eggs, milk and noodles.

math and english.

football and swim.

4、a. what day is it today? b. what’s the date?

c. what day is it today?

( )5、a. do you like tomatoes and mutton?

b what would you like for dinner?

c. what about some tomatoes and mutton?

) 6. a. he’s my mother. b. he’s tall. c. he likes grapes.

) 7. a. i like grapes. b. tomatoes and fish.

c. i like green beans.

) 8. a. english and math b. tomatoes and fish

c. science and art.

四、listen and judge.听录音,判断下列单词是(√)否(╳)与录音内容相符。

1.葡萄桃子 ( 2. 做家庭作业踢足球( )


五、listen and write.听一听,写一写。

our new english teacher is very sbut kwe all like her. p___es are her f**ourite food. because they’re t___and yummy.

and apples are her f**ourite fruit. because they’re s

六、listen and judge.仔细听,根据对话内容判断句子正误。

) 1. i am a policeman .

2. i eat breakfast at 6:30.

3. usually i eat dinner at home.

4. i often go to bed at 9:30 in the evening .

5. i like my life .

笔试部分。七、read and tick.读一读,判断下列每组单词中划线字母的发音是(√)否(╳)相同。

1、a. window b. cow2. a. mouse **ourite

3、a. jeans a beef b. green

5、a. pork 、a. goat b.

boat7、 b. slow8、a. house b.

mountain9、a. healthy b. meat10、a.


八、look, read and write. 看一看,读一读,完成句子。

1、what day is it today?


2、we often h**e cucumbers and chicken for lunch. because they’re f新鲜的)and t美味的)

3、our art teacher is s强壮的)and s聪明的).

4、i oftenbooks (看书)and看电视)on saturdays.

5、would you like some青豆)for dinner?

九 、make sentences.连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。

1、old grandma is and sarah quiet

2、f**ourite is food his fish

3、thursdays on science and math h**e we

4、don’t i sour like grapes

5、do do on often you what wednesdays

6、you mondays for what h**e on do lunch

7、fruit what’s your f**ourite

8、h**e and thursdays we chinese english art on

9、tomorrow is day it what

10、teacher your is who new music

十、read and judge. 阅读短文,判断句子对(√)错(╳

miss wang teaches us english. she is young an very pretty. she is tall and thin.

she has black long hair, big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth. she is very kind. she likes sports.

she often plays ping-pong on weekends with her collegues(同事). she has lunch at school. she likes tofu and cabbages very much, they are healthy.

she eat them for lunch on wednesdays and fridays. she likes bananas, too. they are tasty.

she doesn’t like apples and other(别的)fruit. her english class is very interesting, she is really a good teacher. we all like her.


惠州市南山学校2014秋暑假作业考试。六年级英语试卷。本卷在60分钟内完成,满分100分 一 将单词补充完整并写出汉语意思。10分 t ruary kend 二 英汉互译。10分 1.堆雪人2.打架。5.听 6.捉蝴蝶。a up le es 9.上英语课10.起床。三 找出下面单词中意思不同类的一个...


曹王三小2015 2016学年度上学期期中质量检测。五年级英语。小朋友们,在这段时间内,你一定掌握了许多知识和本领,这儿为你提供一个展示自我的舞台,你要加油哟!1 写单词 10分 1.年轻的2.羞怯的。3.星期五4.周末。5.三明治6.沙拉。7.体贴的8.严厉的。9.看电视10.踢足球。二 判断每组...


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