
发布 2020-10-27 05:38:28 阅读 4854

一.补全单词 10分。

1.春天sp__ ng 2.季节s__ son

3.四月 __pr__l 4.有时s__met__mes

5.第九n__ th 6.十月oct__b__

7.周末 w__ k__nd 8.日期d___t___

9.滑冰 sk___t___10.她的h___

二.英汉互译 10分。





9.三月八日___planting day___

三.词形转换 10分。

1. spetember(缩写)__复数)__





四。 找出不同类的单词。(10分)

) 1. a. one b. two c. second d. three

) 2.a. monday b. november c. decemb

) 3.a. twelfthb. twentieth c. second d. twelve

) monday b. sometimes c. usually

五.单项选择 10分。

) 1、i often do my homework _ 7:00 in the moring.

a. in b. atc. on

) 2do you get up in the morning?

a. whatb. whenc. which

) 4、what's the date today? it's november

a. 21thb. 21stc. 21nd

)'s go shopping together next saturday.

) 6.—i often play the piano . how __you ?

i often read some books.

a. are b. about c. often

) 7. —what’s your f**ourite season

a. blue b. summer c. football

) 8.__do you like best?

a. what colour b. which season c. what time

) 9do you like winter ?

—because i can skate.

a. why b. what c. how

)10in spring in beijing ?

—it’s windy and warm.

season do you like best b. what time is it

the weather like


1. best you like season do which (?

2. like best i spring (.

3. usually i sports at play 5:00.

4. june,her,in,birthday,is

at i exercises 8:30 morning usually(.)


) your f**ourite season? sunny and cool.

) do you like winter? can swim.

) like spring.

) can you do in summer? i can skate.

) the weather like in fall in beijing? too.


get up at 8:30 in the morning.(对划线部分提问)

you get up in the morning?

like summer. (对划线部分提问)

do you like __

birthday is in march. (对划线部分提问)


july 4th. (对划线部分提问)

___the __

.i go shopping on the weekend. (对划线部分提问)

on the weekend?

like winter. (改为否定句)


九.五choose and fill in the blanks.选择恰当的词填空。(5分)

mountains often breakfast when which

1.__do you do morning exercises?

i climbon the weekend.

eatat 7:00 in the morning.

4.__season do you like best?

english class in the afternoon.

十.判断。正(t)误 (f)。(10分)

chen jie: which season do you like best, mike ?

mike: i like summer best.

chen jie: why do you like summer?

mike: because i can eat ice-cream and swim in the lake.

chen jie: i don’t like summer. it’s too hot.

zhang peng: what’s your f**ourite season?

chen jie: spring. it’s sunny and warm. i can plant trees

and fly kites. how about you, zhang peng?

zhang peng: my f**ourite season is winter.

mike: why do you like it?

zhang peng: because i can skate and make a snowman. i like snow.

)1. mike’s f**ourite season is summer.

)2. chen jie can plant trees in spring.

)3. fall is zhang peng’s f**ourite season.

)4. chen jie likes summer.

)5. zhang peng likes winter very much.

十一。以 my day 为题写一写你的一天。不少于五句话。5分。


一 看图,写单词。10分 二 根据中文提示,完成句子。10分 1.我最喜欢春季。i like 2.你在周末通常做些什么?what you usually do on the 3.明天让我们一起去晨练。let s dotomorrow.4.五月是一年的第五个月。is themonth of a yea...


笔试部分 共 分 一 读一读,判断下面划线部分读音是否相同,相同画 不同画 5分 1 sky skirt2 wait mountains3 spring sports 4 nearn chair5 today say 二 选择填空,补全单词 6分 1.sl p a.ie b.ee c.eo 2.n ...


pep小学英语五年级下册期中试卷。学校 班级 姓名 卷面分 得分 听力部分 40分 听录音,选择你所听到的内容,把字母编号写在括号里。10分 1.a.firstb.fifthc.fourth 2.a.which b.whenc.where 3.a.today day 4.a.spring b.spo...