
发布 2020-10-27 05:33:28 阅读 7309



听力部分 30分。

1. listen and fill in the timetable.听音,填写时间。5分。

2. 听读音,选择正确选项,把字母编号填在题前的括号里。10分。

) 1. a. peach b. beachc. meat

) 2. a. sheep b.

3. a. brown bowl

4. a. glass pass

5. skyc. skate

6. hear

7. white

8. a. thanks b. thanks a lot you

9. a.8:40 b.8:24c. 8:14

10. a. i wear a watch. b. i wear my t-shirt. c. i wear my coat.

3. 听音,选最相适应的答句,将其编号写在括号里。5分。

) 1. a. spring . b. skating . c. math .

) 2. a. i like swimming. b. i’d like some chicken.

c. i’d like to go hiking.

) 3. a. no , it isn’t . b. yes , it is . c. it’s dec.25th .

) 4. a. sorry. b. okc. you’re welcome.

) 5. a. i play the piano . b. i am a teacher . c. i am teaching english .

4. listen and write the words. 听音,填入句子所缺的单词。5分。

weekend i climb

in beijing.

is chen jie’s birthday. john is sendinga card.

may. whatis it in canada?

is beautiful. i can watch the le**es

5. listen and judge the following sentences. 听音,判断句子的内容与所听到的内容是否相符,用“t”或“f”表示。5分。

) and zip are going to canada.

)2. zoom likes swimming.

) has a new bathing suit and sunglasses.

) can swim all day in canada.

) can skate all day in canada.


6. 读一读并选出不同类的单词。5分。

( )the piano lunch breakfast dinner

7. translate the following words. (翻译下列单词) 5 分。

a 夜晚b autumn __

中午skate __

七月date __

游泳uncle __


8. read and choose. 选择合适的词的序号。10分。

) i go hiking

a. go…toob. goes…eitherc. goes…too

) birthday card for our mother.

a. makeb. ******c. makes

)3birthday is in october?

a. whob. whosec. who’s

) you like best?

a. seasonb. seasonsc. a season

) mother is a teacher. sheto workthe morning.

a. go…onb. went…atc. goes…in

) treeare green in spring.

a. leafsb. le**esc. leaf

)7is the ninth month of a year.

a. septemberb. augustc. october

)8do you like winter? because i cansnow.

a. why…play with play on c. how…playing in

) is beautiful, but it’scoldme.

a. to…forb. too…forc. too…to

)10do you eat dinner? at 7:00.

a. whenb.

9. 知道这些节日在什么时候吗?5分。

tree-planting day is( )army day is( )

teachers’ day is( )children’s day is( )

new year’s day is( )

a.september 10th b. augst 1st c. march 12th

d. june 1st 1st

10. read and choose the correct answers. 读问句,选择合适的答句。10分。

) do you like springa. he’s sending grandpa an e-card.

) month does mike like best? b. thirty.

) do you usually do on saturday? c. because i can plant trees.

) zoom doingd. november.

) many days are there in june? e. usually i do my homework.

11. read and write. 连词组句。10分。

1. which do like season you best ?

2. in i swim lake because can the .

3. f**ourite spring my is season .

4. her birthday may in is ?

5. the what’s date ?

12. 选择所给的句子,补全对话。将其编号写在横线上。5分。


1.有一个数,它既是30的倍数又是30的因数,这个数是 a.15b.30c.60 2.一个合数至少有 个因数。a.1b.2c.3 3 一只水桶可以装15升水,就是说水桶 是15升。a 容积b 容量c 体积。4 表示鱼缸中金鱼条数的数是 a 奇数b 分数c 自然数。5 物体所占 的大小,叫物体的体积。...


一 补全单词 10分。1.春天sp ng 2.季节s son 3.四月 pr l 4.有时s met mes 5.第九n th 6.十月oct b 7.周末 w k nd 8.日期d t 9.滑冰 sk t 10.她的h 二 英汉互译 10分。1.吃晚饭2.上英语课。3.购物4弹钢琴。5.起床6.去...


一 填一填。1 唾液里有一种促进食物消化的 它能把淀粉分解成。2 人吃进的食物中含有蛋白质等营养成分。经过人体的消化,它们被分解成可供人体生长和组织补休的材料,同时提供人体生命活动所需的 3 我们每时每刻都要呼吸,呼吸意味着。4 当我们用玻璃管不断地向澄清的石灰水里吹气时,会发现。5 少年儿童在正常...