
发布 2020-11-04 16:00:28 阅读 6039



一、选择你听到的单词,把序号填在括号内。(5分)()b. soon c.

noon d. spoon( )b. tell c.

till d. tool( )3. a.

hers b. hear c. hair d.

her( )c. litter d. later( )fall c.

phone d. fell

二、选择你听到的句子,把序号填写在括号内。(5分)()go home at 5:00in the morning .

go home at 5:00 in the evening .(winter is too cold for me .

is too hot for me .(birthday is on june 13 th .b.

my birthday is on june 30th.( writing an e_mail to tom . sending an e_mail to tom .

(tiger are running and eating . tiger are eating and running .




) like sports .

) birthday is on september birthday is on september 24th.( think spring is very beautiful . f**ourite season is spring .

(kangaroo is playing happily . kangaroo is big and old .

) like to go fishing on the weekend . want to go fishing on the weekend .四.listen and choose the right questions:

()1 a .why do you like spring ?b .

why do you like fall ?c . why do you like winter ?

(2 .a .is her birthday in june?

b .what’s the date ?c .

when is the date ?



) 3 .a .what’s it doing ?

b .what’s she doing ?c .

what’s he doing ?五.listen and number :

) because i can plant trees .which season do youlike best ?(spring .

) what’s your f**ourite season ,sarah ?(why do you like winter ?(winter .

) because i can skate .(why do you like spring ?六.listen and match :ab



up ?spring .

2 .what’s the panda doing ?iget up at6:40 .



sleeping .

4 .why do you like winter ?he’s cleaning theroom .

5 .what’s he doing ?because ican make asnowmen.


) fly b jump c walk d climber() cat b monkey c zoo d panda() head b nose c ear d mom() march b spring c summer d winter() tofu b cabbage c trunk d eggplant() cool b cold c skate d hot() season b summer c fall d winter() cloud b snow c rain d spring() always b swim c skate d sleep() evening b work c noon d morning二、从方框中选择适当的词填空(5分)what why which who where when



1do you get up? at 6:002.__is zip’s f**orite season?3.__is your art teacher?

4.__are you from? i’m from china.

5.__do you like winter? because ican skate.三、选择填空(5分)

) are the elephants doing?__drinkinga. we’re b. they’re c .it’s() tigers swim

a. yes,they can’t . b. no,they can’ no, they can .

) ispeak toyour mom,pleasea .sure. b.

thank you. c. you are welcome.

()is your father doing? _it’s b. he’s c.


)5.--what’s he like

a. he likes tea . b.

he is short. c. mr carter.

四、连词成句,注意大小写以及标点(10分) i elephants two(.)



park big a nature(!)

is for a there call(.)

in study the writing e-mail he’ evening eat dinner i 7:00 the at五、照样子,写出下列单词的ing形式(6分)eg:sleep sleeping

swimplay the pianorunwrite a lettertake pictureskate六、情景会话。(共5分)


a. hello,i’m nina. b. hello, this is nina.




working. a worker.

)3.当你问别人“你正在干什么?”,应该说a. what is he doing? b. what are you doing?


__a. what’s your like season? b.

what’s your f**ouriteseason?

)5.当别人问你“what’s the dog doing?”,你应该回答:__

a. he’s play football. b. he’s playing football.七、按要求写句子。(共5分)

1. often, 8:00, english, class, at, we, h**e (连词成句2.

best, do, season, which, like, you (连词成句3. is he playing chess?(写出肯定回答)

4. they are reading. (变为一般疑问句)

you eating lunch?(写出肯定回答形式)。





ilovesummer!insummer,theweatherisusuallyveryhot,and i can swim in the river.,springisbeautiful, so nice to watch the flowers grow.

inautumn, i also love to watch the le**es fall. is that why wecan call autumn fall?

a snowman.

i love all the seasons. they are all beautiful and i canfind many things to do.

) 1. the weather is warm in summer.

) 2. i like to plant flowers in the park.( 3.

i like to watch the le**es fall in summer.( 4. i don’t like snow in winter.



) 5. i like spring.


ilikemyvillage . is a river in front of my many trees and flowers are colourful .thereare many ducks in the clean river.

many fish swim not hot .it’sverycool .do you like my village?

welcome to my village.

.is there a river in the village?

there many fish in the river

season does she like best?


season is beautiful?

you like the village?



一 单选题。选出正确的答案填在括号里10分 1 wh n a e b o c a d i 2 week nd a o b e c i d a 3 spr ng a e b o c i d a 4 s nny a e b i c a d u pep小学五年级下册期末英语试题pep小学五年级下册期末英语...


listening part 听力部分 40 一 将正确的词或词组填入下面句子的横线上,把句子补充完整,每组句子读两遍。1 i usually get up 6 00.2is your f ourite season 3do you like summer best 4is your birthda...


小学英语pep教材五年级下册期末试卷。书写,语音。20分 1 按顺序写出字母a z的大小写形式。10分 写出下列动词的ing形式 10分 read 4.eat5.lookandmatch 连线15分 doingthedishesa.做晚饭。drawingpicturesb.洗盘子。cookingdi...