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2013-2014 学年度第二学期五年英语期中试题。

班级姓名。listening part 听力部分。

.listen and tick. 听一听,用“√”选出相应的**。4 分。

. listen and choose. 请根据你听到的问句选出相应的答。


) 1. a. she is a doctor

b. she was a writer.

c. she was thirty years old.

) 2. a. yes, she is.

b. yes, she did.

c. yes, she does.

) 3. a. on monday.

b. at twelve o’clock.

c. at school.

) 4. a. i can feed the ducks.

b. i’m swimming.

c. i play with the snow.

) 5. a. i’ll go there with mum.

b. i’ll visit the great wall.

c. by plane.

) 6. a. i made a card.

b. i’m writing a message.

c. i’m going to watch tv.

. listen and fill in the blanks. 听录音,填上所缺单词,6分。

1. mywas a flute player

2.--i sent you english books. did you

-- yes. grandma.

3. –what did she h**e for

-- she had fish and

writing part 笔答部分。

一、 选出不同类的词,将其序号填入前面的括号内。6分。

) 1 a .tv b. computer c. radio d. chips

二、 单项选择。10分。

)1、lingling is england sam and amy.

a、in, and b、in, with c、on, with d、on, and

)2、 did your parents work?

a、where b、what c、why d、who

)3、what did she

a、drive b、driver c、drives d、drove

)4、what you do yesterday evening?.

a、isb、willc、did d、are

)5、what __you __for breakfast yesterday?.

a、do h**e b、do had c、did h**e d、did had

)6、i go to bed ten sunday evening.

a、at, on b、at, in c、on, on d、on, at

)7、linda is a teacher. she __in a school

a、teaching b、teached c、teach d、teaches

)8、what he before?

a、was b、did c、were d、can

)9、please return the books two weeks.

a、on b、in c、to d、at

)10、h**e you the harry potter video?

a、get b、gets c、got d、getting

三、 写出下列单词的正确形式。 12分。

复数) 单三)__复数。

4. return(反义词)__过去式) 过去式)

反义词) 复数) 9. shelf(复数。

10 drive (过去式) 11 he (宾格) 12 us (主格)

四、 连词成句。10分。

1. did / where/ work/ grandma / your ?

2. f**ourite / my / is / season / spring/.

3. we / not / in / the / library / talk / can / our / to / friends /

4. got / any / h**e / you / harry potter / books /

5. did / what / before / drive / she /?

五、 圈出正确答案。 5分。

1. people usually h**e / has breakfast at 7 o’clock.

2. my sister teach / teaches chinese in a school.

3. he sent / send me a letter yesterday.

4. you can use / used the computer.

5. you can’t talks / talk to your friends.

六、 句型转换 10分。

girl is singing in her room (改为一般疑问句)

___the girl __in her room?

are two dresses on my bed.(对划线部分提问)

dresses are there on your bed ?

can wear my t—shirt in spring.(改为否定句)

iwear my t—shirt in spring.

it be windy tomorrow? (作否定回答)

___it __

can sing a chinese song.( 对划线部分提问)

he do ?

七、 选择正确的答句。 5分。

)1)how will they get to daliana. yes, she has.

)2)did you read the snow white ? b. he helped children.

)3)has she got a new bikec. no, i didn’t.

)4)what did your brother h**e for breakfast? d. by plane.

)5)what did he doe. he had rice and soup.


1. he will __buy) a new dress for me .


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