
发布 2022-03-29 14:08:28 阅读 9024



二、看看谁的书写最漂亮。( 20分 )

1、radio 2、information 3、holiday 4、chinese

6、where are the books about computers, please?

7、it’s big and light.

8、mr li was a teacher.

9、what did you h**e for breakfast, lingling?

will be home at seven o’clock.


) h**e many __of china.

) on,your friend is __the phone for you.

) are going to see you __three weeks.

) went to xinjiang___july.

) are the___about animals?

) too big,give me a __one,please.

) will go to school___september.

) apples last night.

) do last night?

) go to school___bus.

四、将正确的汉语意思序号写在括号里( 5分 )

1、a.田地 b.火field

2、a.字典 b.图书馆library (

3、a.机场 b.机票airport

4、a.卡片 b.光盘card

5、a.炉火 b.累fire

五、读一读、选一选。( 6分 )

is are was

1、she___a teacher ten years ago.

2、he___a worker now.

3、we___good pupils in our class.

4、the bag___too he**y.


nice kite.

六、按东西南北的顺序排列下列方向词。(写序号)( 4分 )

1. north

七、圈出与单词相符的**。( 10分 )

1. women

4. circle 5. horse 7. dragon

9. ruler 10. pencil

八、选出与**意思相符的句子的序号填在**下的括号内。( 12分)

a. lingling is writing a letter .

b. she walked to the zoo.

c. he didn’t wash his hands.

d.30 years ago ,she was a teacher.

e. this girl plays the computer games.

f. he was a farmer then, and he is a driver now.


) 1. did he go to school by bus?

a. yes, he is. b. yes, he did.

) did you h**e for breakfast?

a. it’s 8 o’clock

had meat and fish

) did lingling go last week?

a. hainan.

b. the capital of china.

) did she do?

a. she rode a horse

b. she riding a bicycle.

十、阅读短文。( 15分 )

in july , lingling went to xinjiang with her parents. xinjiang is in the west of china. she rode a horse.

she climbed the tianshan mountain. she visited the tianchi lake it was very beautiful. she had a lovely time there.

) 1. lingling went to xinjiang with her___

) 2. xinjiang is in the __of china.

) 3. lingling climbed the __mountain.

a. tianshan b. tianchi

) 4. tianchi lake is in___


) 5. lingling rode a horse in___

a. 五年级英语期末试卷答案。

一、 uu vv ww xx yy zz

二、 书写整齐规范,句子注意句首字母要大写,要加标点符号。

三、 1---5 bbcba

6-10 bcbcb

四、 abaaa

五、 was is are is are is

六、 3 4 2 1

七。八、 b a d e fc

九、 1、任意答案 bba

一十、 baaba

五年级下 英语 测试卷

入学测试卷 五年级下 姓名年级住址联系 一 选出划线部分发音不同的一项,将序号填写在题前括号内。10分 1.a.showb.ownc.townd.tomorrow 2.a.houseb.touchc.ground d.outside 3.a.walkb.ballc.calld.half 4.a.br...


五年级下学期 科学 测试卷。姓名年级。一 填空题。1 能够帮助人们降低工作难度或省力的工具装置,称作。2 可以用原理来撬动重物,能省力,但是不省。3 固定在指甲上,不随重物上下移动的滑轮叫 随着重物上下移动的滑轮叫 4 搭支架的牢固程度取决于和。5 像鱼和鸡等动物那样产卵或下蛋的繁殖方式叫 像牛和马...


冠桥教育五年级英语测试卷。一 哈利?波特送你的第一件礼物是 魔法石 它能帮你照出下面哪些单词是与众不同的哦!5分 1.a.river b.likec.bridge 3.a.nowb.cowc.snowy 4.b.when c.weekend 二 哈利?波特玩咒语了,单词乱飞,你有本事把他们放回原位置...