
发布 2023-04-18 06:46:28 阅读 7486






1. 你们的 y_ u _ 2. 公斤 k _ lo 3. 食物f _ d

4. 农场 f _ r m 5. 不好地 b _ dly 6. 想念 m _ ss

7. 咖啡 c _ ffee 8. 游戏 g _ me 9. 穿 w _ r

10. 冰激凌 _ ce cre _ m


visitcame dropplayed

meetdid ringlost



ranvisited losewent


)1. when __you come back yesterday?

a. do b. did c. does d. doing

)2. do you __in london?

a. lives b. live c. living d. love

)3bananas do you want?

a. how many b. how much c. how d. how old

)4milk do you want?

a. how many b. how much c. how d. how old

)5. this is amy’s bag. it’s __

a. his b. mine c. yours d. hers

)6. that is my book. it’s

a. yours b. his c. mine d. hers

)7. there __too many books on the desk.

a. are b. is c. am d. be

)8. –there are four children and four pencils.

there arepencils.

c. too many d. enough

)9. you can __football well.

a. play b. plays play

)10. he can’t see. he is

a. blind b. deaf c. angry d. happy


ab )1. how are youa. i’m eleven.

)2. how old are youb. no, i can’t.

)3. how much is itc. we went to the london eye.

)4. how many pears do you want? d. i am fine,thank you.

)5. can you run faste. it’ s two yuan.

)6. is this your capf. five, please.

)7. where did you gog. yes, i did.

)8. when did you goh. at half past seven.

)9. did you swim last sunday? i. yes, it’s mine.


)1. 你帮妈妈打扫了一天的房间了,你感觉:

a. happy b. sad c. angry d. tired

)2. 你参加了作文比赛,获得了一等奖,你感觉:

a. happy b. sad c. angry d. tired

)3. 不小心丢了书包,你感觉:

a. happy b. sad c. angry d. tired


a. thirsty b. hungry c. angry d. tired


a. sad b. bored c. happy d. angry


lily is a chinese girl. she is eleven. she is a pupil.

she likes swimming. last summer, she went to hannan. hannan is in the south of china.

everyday she swam(游泳) in the sea. she ate lots of fish. she was very happy.

)1. lily is ten years old.

)2. she likes playing.

)3. she went to hannan last summer.

)4. hannan is in the east of china.

)5. she ate fish.


同学们,转眼一个学期即将结束,相信你们一定又学到了不少知识。下面就是你们展现才华的时候,那就开启你们智慧的大脑,认真思考仔细做答吧!相信你们一定会取得理想的成绩!听力部分 40分 请同学们注意 1.所有听力题都读两遍。2.请把选择题答案序号填入题前括号内。一 听录音,选单词。10分 a 听录音,选择...


2010 2011学年度第一学期基础教育改革阶段目标检测题。五年级英语final 班级姓名得分 i.read and choose.找出不同类的一项。10分 grass b.flower c.tree d.pencil river b.lake c.sweet d.forest air b.sky ...


小学五年级英语试题。2014 2015学年度第一学期期中考试 时间40分钟 温馨提示 认真答题,预祝你取得好成绩哦!一 看图补全单词,每空一个字母。10分 1.he is f ny2.her hair is l g.3.she has c ly hair4.she is c king.5.the b...