
发布 2023-04-18 06:43:28 阅读 7856





)1. mirror a 衣柜 b 镜子 c 窗帘。

( )2. park a 山b 公园 c 路。

)3. sky a 天空 b 公园 c 大海。

( )4. grass a 草b 天空 c 树。

( )5. bridge a 冰箱 b 桥 c 带走。

)6. tofu a 土豆 b 豆腐 c 羊肉。


1. there is缩写形式) 2. tomato___复数形式)

3. fri完全形式) 4. road复数形式)

5. 洗碗碟 do the英汉互译) 6. 河流英汉互译)

7. 扫地 __the英汉互译) 8. young反义词)

9. behind英汉互译)


( )1. —good morning

a. hellob. good morningc. afternoon

( )2. —what’s your name

a. see you! b. i’m chenjie. c. me, too.

)3. —nice to meet you

a. okb. fine, thank you.

c. nice to meet you, too.

( )4. —are there any fish in the rivers

a. no, there isn’t. b. yes, they are c. yes, there are

( )5. —can you put away the clothes

a. yes, i can. b. yes, i do. c. no, i’m not

( )6. —where is the picture

a. yes, it is. b. it’s over the bed c. yes, i do.

( )7. —i often do homework, _books and __tv.

a. see; watch b. read; watch c. reads; watch

)8my room, i h**e trash bin.

a. inb. onc. at

( )9. i canthe floor.

a. sweetb. clearc. sweep

)10there a tree behind the house?

a. isb. arec. is

)11. —what do you do on saturdays

often read books. b. yes, i over the bed


in are an own is on

1. i h**e myroom now.

2my room i h**eair-conditioner.

3this your room ?

4. theremany booksthe shelf.

5. the trash bin isthe door.

6. there is a mirrorthe bed.


1. greena. the meals

. endb. work

. livingc. table

. housed. bin

. trashe. computer games

. cookf. room

7. playg. beans

8. waterh. the table

9. makei. the flowers

10. setj. the bed


)1. there is a mirror behind the closet.

)2. there are two bedroom in our new flat.

)3. what’s your room like?

)4. many clothes are in the closet.

)5. there is nature park in the sky.

)6. is there a forest in the park?

a . 这座城市里有座自然公园。

b. 许多衣服在衣橱里。

c. 衣橱后面有一面镜子。

d. 公园里有森林吗?

e. 我们的新公寓有两间卧室。

f. 你的房子是什么样子的?


)1. 当你想知道对方做什么时,你说:

a. who are you? b. can i help you? c. what can you do?

)2. 当你想问别人会不会做家务时,你说:

a. can you do homework? b.

what can you do? c. do homework?

(3. 当你想问今天是星期几时,你说:

a. what day is it today? b. friday. c. what today?

)4. 当问你能否铺床,你想说回答是否定的,应该说:

a. can you make the bedroom? b. no, i can’t c. no.

)5. 当你想说天空是蓝色的,应该说:

a. the air is clear. b. the sky is blue. c. the day is new.


1. it’s saturday today.(对划线部分提问)

is it today?

2. there is a river in the park.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答。)

in the park?

there3. cook can i meals the (连词成句)

4. is bedroom this your (连词成句)

5. are there somepandas in the mountains? (句中some语法错误,在括号里修改正确)


2008 2009学年度小学英语五年级上册期末测试题。发布时间 访问人数 1892008 2009学年度小学英语五年级上册期末测试题。班级姓名成绩 一 听录音,选出与录音内容相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里。10分 1 a.bedroom b.bathroom c.classroom 2...


我们五年级这次期末考试的英语试卷和以往一样分为听力部分和笔试部分。其中听力部分为五道大题分别是 听单词选 选出所听到的单词 听单词用数字给 标号,听问句选答语,听短文练线。试题部分五道大题,分别是 选出不同类的单词,单项选择 问句找答句 仿例造句,阅读理解。考题内容丰富,形式灵活多样。试卷充分体现了...


一 填空。1 在 里填上 或 2 超市有200瓶果汁,卖出a箱,每箱12元,用式子表示超市剩下果汁的瓶数 当a 8时,表示超市还有果汁 瓶。3 转动左边转盘上的指针,指针停在黄色区域的可能性是 红。黄。如果转动指针90次,估计有 次指针会停在红色区域。蓝。4 循环小数82.542542的简便记法是 ...