
发布 2023-04-18 10:40:28 阅读 2825



.听录音,判断所听内容与**所表达的意思是否相符,如相符请在答题卡的相应位置填 t ,不相符填f。每个句子读三遍。(5 分)

.听音,据所听内容选择正确**。将选出答案番号a-e填至答题卡。每句读三遍。( 5 分)

a. bcde.

. 听音,根据所听内容选择正确答语。并将选出答案番号填至答题卡相应位置。每个句子读三遍。(5 分)

11. a. we are going to play a football. b. we are playing a football.

12. a. because it’s very it’s very interesting.

13. a. yes, he he does.

14. a. they are four. b. i h**e four.

15. a. happy birthday to in august.

.听录音,根据所听内容选择正确的词语,将下列对话补充完整,并将选出的答案番号填至答题卡的相应位置。对话读三遍。(5 分)

a: happy new year, ben!b: happy new year, lisa!

a: what are you going to do on16 ?b: i am going to visit 17 .

a:oh, that’s wonderful. h**e a 18 then. b: thank you. 19 you?

a: i’m going to stay at home. b: that sounds good.

a: h**e fun. see you 20



21. b.

22. a. liveb.

23. a. cokeb. cakec. milk

25. a. thereb. nice c. cute


26. 邀请朋友们一块去沙滩,你可以说:

a. let’s go to the school together. b. let’s go to the beach together.


a. the same to you. children’s day!

28. 想知道复活节在什么时候,你可以问:

a. whenis easter? b. what is easter?

29. 你口渴需要喝水,你可以说:

a. i need some water. b. i need an egg.

30. 要问你的英文老师是谁,该问?

a、whose your english teacher? b、who is your english teacher?.

.从a、b中选出可以填入横线组成正确意思答案,并将选出的答案番号填在答题卡的相应位置。(10 分)

eggs are made chocolate. a. for b. of

time b harvesting

you knowplan trees? to b. how to

34. we live the in b. on

are going to play b. playing

36. are there sharks in the sea? b. any

book isbeautiful about b. for

getting in winter. b. cold

give cards their friends. a. to

do you like? b them


41. -who are theya. they are my friends. b. they are cakes.

42. -what colour is antumn? -a. they are green. b. it’s yellow.

43. -what does your mother wear?--a. she wears a dress. b. we wear skirts.

44. –let’s play it no, i don’t like to play it.

45. -what does he need?—a. he needs a bike. b. she lives in kunming.

46.--is there an apple on the tree? -there isn’t . b. no, there aren’t.

47 --do you like playing footballa yes, i like it very much. b. no, i like it.

48. -what is he going to do? -

is putting away the clothes. b. he is going to wash vegetables.

49. -when is spring? -a it’s from jan. to mar. from mar. to may.

50there are ten mice in the room.

many mice are there in the room? b. where are they ?



51 how many students can you see in the picture?a there are four. b there are five.

52is this a classroom? it is. b. no, it isn’t.

are they doinga. they are watching tv. b. they are reading..

there a girl reading a booka. yes, there is. b. no, there isn’t.

she h**e long hair or short haira. she has short hair. b. she has long hair.


2013 2014学年上学期期中五年级英语质量监测试题。考试时间 40分钟等级 一 判断下列单词划线字母的读音是否相同,相同的打 不同的打 meet2.fish sit go4.coat boat 5.morning chair 二 选出中文意思。with 3.juice4.need mountai...


2013 2014学年度第一学期。桃源镇五年级英语科期中调研题。全卷共100分,答卷时间 100分钟 一 听录音,判断单词是否与录音相同,相同的,在该题前面的括号里打 不同的,打 本题10分 3.pencil 4.mother 8.tape june 二 听录音,判断所给句子是否与录音内容相同,相同...


清油河希望小学。2015年趣味数学知识竞赛活动安排。为了激发学生对小学数学的兴趣,扩大学生的知识面,提高学生课余生活,丰富学生数学内容的学习。学校决定组织开展趣味数学知识竞赛活动。现将竞赛具体事项安排如下 一 参赛对象 一至六年级,每班各选派5名学生参加。二 竞赛时间 2015年12月22日下午第三...