
发布 2023-04-15 06:22:28 阅读 5296





) 3. pencil ( 4. mother

( )8. tape

) june


)1. what do you want to be?

) fixing the hang glider..

) can go ice-skating in winter holiday.

)4. do they h**e any envelopes and *****?

)5. the le**es are red, yellow and orange in fall.


) 1. a. yes, i dob. yes, she does.

) 2. a. i need erasers. b. i need scissors.

) 3. a. they are on the desk. b. they are over there.

) 4. a. he wants to be a doctor. b. he is a factory worker.

) 5. a. it’s in mayb. it’s in june.


today issunday, saturday).

it’ssunny, hot). it’s my friend lisa’s birthday. there’s a lot of food and all kinds ofjuice, cola).

we sing songs and eat birthday cake. lisa gets manypresents , cards) .she ishappy, funny).


) 1. it’s monday today.

) 2. tom’s classmates are at home.

) 3. tome and may are cleaning the blackboard.

) 4. rose is writing.

) 5. the teacher is playing outside.


1. my father works on a farm. he is a农民)

2. they are going to buy some邮票) at the store.

3. do you want to buy some肉)

4. my grandfather’s birthday is in四月)

is在…之后) spring.

6. they need two english字典).

7. to be healthy, we should eat more蔬菜).

8. whose日记)is it? it’s jenny’s.

9. it’s多云的)now, you’d better take an umbrella with you when you go out.

h**e many堂兄弟)


)1. what’s the weather like in summer ?

a.it was hot. b. it is hot. c. it is cold.

2. do you like tofu ?

a. yes, i like. b. no, she doesn’t. c. yes, i do.

3. what do you want ?

a. a farmer. b. play outside. c. i want a guitar.

4. what is your mother doing?

a. she likes swimming. b. she is watching tvc. she goes shopping.

5. thank you very much.

a. no thanks. b. you’re welcome. c. ok.

6keys are these?

they are hers.

a. who’s b. what’s c. whose

7. is may before february

a. no, it isn’t. b. yes, it is. c. yes , it will be.

8. how many months are there in a season ?

a. there are 4. b. there are 3. c. there are 12.

9. when’s winter holiday?

a. it’s in january and february. b. it’s in june and july. c. it’s in march.

10. please give me some

a. salt. b. sugars c. tofus.


1. do you h**e any glue?

2. what do you need?

3. what’s your f**orite season?

4. is it cold in winter?

5. what’s the weather like in spring?


清油河希望小学。2015年趣味数学知识竞赛活动安排。为了激发学生对小学数学的兴趣,扩大学生的知识面,提高学生课余生活,丰富学生数学内容的学习。学校决定组织开展趣味数学知识竞赛活动。现将竞赛具体事项安排如下 一 参赛对象 一至六年级,每班各选派5名学生参加。二 竞赛时间 2015年12月22日下午第三...


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