
发布 2022-09-25 01:13:28 阅读 5948







)1. cata. cake b. rabbit c. grape

)2. plate a. after b. table c. hat

)3. whose a. what b. who c. which

)4. father a. dance b. apple c. table

)5. these a. bedb. desk c. she


1、第一天2、i’m not sure

3、所有的学生4、each other

5、一个大书房6、a map of the world

7、在床下8、ride a bike

9、唱歌10、listen to the music


)1. theresome students in the classroom.

a. areb. isc. h**e

)2. are thereducks(鸭子)in the river(河)?

a. ab. any c. some

)3. thereany water in the bottle.

a. isb. isn’t c. aren’t

)4. -howsweets do you need? -i need seven sweets.

a. oldb. much c. many

) 5. here __your change.

a. are b. isc. am

) 6. is there a map of china the wall?

a. in b. onc. 不填。

) 7. the womanlong hair is my mother.

a. withb. inc. on

) 8in the basket? -there are some apples.

a. what are they b. what’s c. what are

)9. -do you likeno, i don’t. but i like listening to music.

a. singb. sings c. singing

)10i can play cards.

a. what can you dob. what do you do? c. what do you like?


1. 你们的学校有一个阅览室吗?是的。

there a reading room in your school?--yes, there

2. 桌子下有多少个足球?有六个。

footballs are therethe desk?--there are

3. 我们需要两个猴面具。

wetwo monkey

4. 我的父母喜欢打乒乓球。

my parentstable tennis.

5. 你喜欢游泳吗? 不,我不喜欢。

--do you likeno, i don’t.


) 1. do you like pears? no, i do. _

ab c ) 2. i like this white horses. _

a bc ) 3. can you dance? yes, i do. _

a b c )4. there aren’t some dolls on the bed

a b c )5. i like play the piano

a b c八、句子配对:从ⅱ栏中选找出能回应i栏各句的句子。(6分)

)1. do you like horsesa. no, i can’t.

)2. is there any mike in the glassb. it’s near the door.

)3. what’s in the cupboardc. yes. i do.

)4. can you see the car on the hilld. no,there isn’t.

)5. how old is your aunte. she’s about thirty.

)6. where’s my bikef. some bread.


1. there are computer any in building rooms the (?

2. your can put book you a head on (?

3. are sweets here some you for (.

4. like do what you (?

5. games can she computer not play (.


班级姓名座号得分。一 根据要求填空。4分 h总共 笔,第二笔是p总共 笔,第一笔是 d总共 笔,第一笔是 y总共 笔,第二笔是 二 找出划线部分发音不同的单词,将字母序号填在括号里。6分 三 判断下列单词发音是否相同,用 表示。6分 ship ear 四 英汉互译。10分 a policemanwe...


2011 2012学年第一学期。一 积累。1 看拼音,写词语。10分 qu n f i q n mi n h ng k o p ng long w r d j d n qi gu j d o z i s xi ng 2 我能把词语补充完整。8分 不安席 人讥笑狂风 号负 请罪。同心 力望而生 无不克...


牛栏江镇2013学年下学期期中检测。五年级语文试卷。检测时间 120分钟,满分100分 第一部分积累运用园 45分 一 字词万花筒 22分 1.将 纯净疏淡 巍然屹立 规范地写入田字格中 2分 2.读拼音,写出下列词语 5分 j m b o z o z ng s ng sh ng y l 隶 字 如...