
发布 2022-08-05 18:29:28 阅读 9094



一、 读单词,找出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词,并写出序号。(10分)

)1、a .cabbage b. washroom c. cat d. h**e

)2、a. music b. computer c. menu d. mutton

)3、a. short b. pork c. doctor d. fork

)4、a. that b. those c. healthy d. this

)5、a. sweater b. eat c. beans d. meat

二、 读句子,写出本单元中和画线部分同类的单词。(10分)

1. i’d like some potatoes

2. i don’t like oranges. they’re sour

3. i like apple juice. it’s my f**orite

三、 按要求写出下列单词的正确形式。(9分)


i’d like(完整形式thin(反义词。


四、 词组互译。(8分)

menu2. sounds good

3. h**e to4. 好吃又有益于健康


ab1. what do you h**e for breakfast today? my f**orite food is fish.

2. what would you like for lunchno, we h**e cabbage and mutton.

3. what’s your f**orite foodi h**e pork and cabbage for breakfast.

4. do you h**e any noodlesi’d like some fish and noodles.


( )1. i don’t like grapes. sour.

a. they are b. it’s c. they’re

2. bananas my f**orite.

a. is b. are c. like

3. i’m hungry. go to a restaurant.

a. let b. let’s c. lets

4. cabbage and cucumber are .

a. meat b. vegetables c. fruit

5. oops! these noodles are salty.

a. to b. two c. too

6. it’s let’s h**e

a. breakfast b. lunch c. dinner

7. pork and mutton are

a. fruits b. meat c. vegetables

8. on mid-autumn day, people usually eat

a. zongzi b. moon cake c. dumplings

9. vinegar(醋) usually tastes

a. salty b. sour c. sweet

10. i’d like rice and muttonlunch today.

a. forb. atc. on

11. carrot juice is healthy me!

a. with b. for c. at

12. –i’m hungry, mom.

oh! mew mew is hungry

a. tob. two c. too


1. watermelon isi) f**orite fruit.

2. your school menusound) very good.

3. i don’t like (orange). they’re sour.

4. usually we h**e some (eggplant) and bread for lunch on tuesdays.

5. the hamburger istaste). it’s f**orite.

6. opens! the noodles are toosalt)


1. we h**e mutton, fish and tofu today.

2. what do you h**e for lunch on thursdays?

3. what is your f**orite food?

4. i like apples because they are sweet.




many people like apples, because (因为) apples are tasty and healthy. they’re very good fruits. an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

vegetables, such as cabbage, eggplant are healthy for us, too. but many kids don’t like vegetables. they like meat.

they eat pork, beef and mutton so much. meat is helpful, but too much meat is bad for our health. so remember, always eat more(更多的) fruits, more vegetables but less meat.


1. apples are good for our health

2. many kids eat cabbage too much

3. meat is bad for our healthy. don’t eat any meat

4. more fruits, more vegetables are good for us

5. many kids like meat much more than vegetables



zip: i like pears. they are sweet. what’s your f**orite fruit, rabbit

rabbit: i like carrot. it’s tasty for me.

monkey: i don’t like carrot. but i like carrot juice. it’s healthy.

zoom: is carrot juice your f**orite drink(饮料), monkey?

monkey: of course not. bananas are my f**orite. what about you, zoom?

zoom: ha! guess. my f**orite fruit is round and very big. it’s green.

it’s sweet and juicy. we often eat it in summers. what is it?


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