
发布 2020-11-02 18:33:28 阅读 1060




a组:throwthe dogb组:comeclose



keepyour computerearlygo



1. thursday, everyday, wednesday, saturday

2. may, january, july, september, five, december

3. pe, cupcake, maths, calligraphy, chinese

4. rice, noodles, milk shake, sandwich

5. seventh, first, tenth, eleven, ninth


when is the lantern festivalwhich class do you like better?


1. -what would you like for lunch? -i'd like some __

a. green beans b. green bean c. bean

)2. -what class do you h**e on friday?

i h**e

and pe

english,football,maths,pe and science

chinese,art,pe and music

)3. is he watching ants? no, he

a. is b. isn’t c. doesn’t

)4. -what is mike doing? -he

a. running b. swims in the river c. is walking

)5. my f**oriteis fish.

b. food

)6. the flowers are dry. shall we___them?

)7i use your ruler? –sorry, i’m using it now.

)8. reading or drawing, which do you like

a. best

)9. it is the fiffteenth day of the first month in the chinese calendar.

it’slanter festival easter spring festival

)10. you know mike. can you tell me morehim?



五、**配对, 把正确**的序号填入相应的括号内。(10分)

abcde ) 1. today is friday, it’s raining. and there are too much homework.

so i’ll do my homework.

) 2. today is monday, it’s sunny. i’ll help my mother.

i can wash my clothes and make a cake.

) 3. today is tuesday, it’s a fine day. i’ll play with my friends.

my name is amy, and my best friend is lingling.

) 4. today is thursday, it’s windy. i’ll read my books.

i like science and arts. i h**e many science books.

) 5. today is wednesday, it’s warm. my grandma is ill. i’ll visit my grandma.


(一)选词填空,使短文完整,每空一词。(20分) ,

hello, i am sally. my birthday is20th. i usuallyup early.

i am verymy parents andgive me many presents(礼物).

igo to school on my birthday because summer holiday. usually i h**e a birthday party atwe h**e a big dinner and a birthday cake. we and dance at the party.

i h**e a good time on my




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