
发布 2022-01-20 17:58:28 阅读 8180


成绩: 一.字母(8分)。

判断下列各组字母是否有相同音素,如有打√ ,如没有打╳ 。

每个1分,共8 分)

) )3. upw( )

y x( )


)1. cute a. june (

) b. may (

) 5. camel a. coat ( b. blouse

) 8. five

)9. ship a. shirt b. cherry ( 10. am a. lake b. plants


) they going to do?

a. is b . are c. am

)2. season is it now ? it’s spring .

c. how

) do you live ?i live the earth

b. on c. under

)4. is going to play basketball.

a. yor b. she c . he

)5. they need boat.

a. a b. an

)6. do you love zebras ?

because they h**e black and white stripes.

) do they live ? they live new zealand .

a. on b. in

) is here. it’s getting .

a. hot b. warm c. cold

)9. is winter ?it’s from december to february.

) an egg. a. need b. needs c. needes



l_ k _(湖)s_ _海洋) sh _ t(衬衫) sn_ _雪)b_ _t (船)

f_ _软毛) sp _t(斑点)r_v_ _江河)_ oa_(大衣)_ ell(壳)



) a.八月。 (1.复活节彩蛋 a. jeans

) b .加拿大 ( 2.画笔b. easter egg

) c.鹦鹉3.收获 c. dress

)4. parrot d.河4.连衣裙 d. harvest

) e. 山5.牛仔裤 e. paintbrush



)1. what does she need? are going to dig a hole .

)2. why do you love the foxes ? wear t-shirts and skirts.

) your f**ourite animals? c.. it’s spring .

) are they going todo? d. she is going to water flowers .

) do they needs a pencil-box .

) is f**ourite animal is zebra .

)7. what is she going to do? g..they need some juce.

)8. where do camels live? lasts from march to may .

) do you wear in summer? live in the desert.

)10 what season is it ? j. because they h**e soft fur .



are they going to do . a. they are going to sing .

are you going todo ? are going to play basketball.

is she going to do ? are going to play basketball.

)3.我们需要一个大风筝。 (4. 你们生活在**?

needs a new car . are they doing ?

need a big kite. do they live ?

need a flowerc. where do you live ?


a. it’s time to go skating a. when is winter ?

b. it’s time to h**e lunch . b. when is autumn?

c. it’s time to go swimming . season is it ?

)7.你最喜欢什么动物8. 春天从三月持续到五月。

likebest? lasts from december to february.

subjects doyou like best?b. summer lasts from june to august.

animals do they like best? c. spring lasts from march to may .


colour is summer? a..turtles lives in the river .

season is it now? b..turtles live in the sea .

colour is winter? c. camels live in the deserts. .

) 11. 你在夏天穿什么12.我们居住在重庆。

a. what do you wear in summer ? a. i lives in auatrilia.


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