
发布 2023-04-18 16:36:28 阅读 5290



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)1.__book is it?

)2. it’s

)3. _is my f**ourite subject.

)4. why___you like pe?

)5. _listening to music.


) what about this oneb. how about this one?

) i like maths and englishb. i like maths,science and english.

) i like me bestb. we like me best.

) is he doingb. what is she doing?

) that’s rightb. you’re right.




s__ rybook bo__ing m__g__c r__ ding m__ne co__p__ter


1. i on monday h**e maths class (.

2. cake a piece of it’s (


)1. welcome back __school.

)2. _subject do you like best?

)3. i __like music class.

)4. 85 __25 is 60.

)5. how __scores h**e you got?


)1yes ,it’s hers.

a. is this rose book? b. is this rose’s book? c. is this lele’s book?

)2mrs wang.

a. who is your pe teacher? b. who is your f**ourite teacher? c. a and b

)3because it’s difficult.

a. why do you like maths best? b. why don’t you like maths ?

c. what do you like?

)4. -what’s her f**ourite subject

a. her f**ourite subject is english. b. she likes english best. c. a and b

)5. -what are they doing

a. we are singing. b. they are singing. c. you are singing.


)1. she h**e chinese class on tuesday.

ab c )2. i must works hard.

a b c )3 today is my birthday.

a b c )4. the fish is swiming.

a b c )5. my aunt like autumn because it is cool.

ab c 十、阅读理解。(30分)

一)teacher: good morning,class!

pupils: good morning!

teacher: welcome back!

peter: wow, so many new books!

teacher: come and get them one___one.

lele: here you are.

tingting: thank you.

lele: you are welcome.

teacher: next, this your book,lele?

lele:yes ,it’s mine.__thanks.

teacher: that’s ok.

(1) 根据文本内容判断正(√)误(×)3分)

) are three people in this dialogue(在对话中).

many new books.

) next book is peter’s.

2) 根据文本内容补充句子。(4分)

)4. come and get them one___one.

5. _thanks.

(3) 根据文本内容选择正确答案。(4分)

)6. they are talking about (谈论)__

a. friendsb.


南岸区弹子石2008 2009学年下期。小学五年级语文半期试卷。基础知识 共44分 一 看拼音,写词语,并选择其中的一个词造句。共6分 x un r n xi s y u zh su x n su y sh n y n p o xi o ch n f n j l y 二 画去加点字的错误读音。共3分...


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