
发布 2023-04-18 16:35:28 阅读 2830

主要考查学生对英语短文的阅读理解能力。从学生的答题情况看,学生的阅读理解能力也比以往有所提高。试题**现了一个有相互矛盾的句子,“she likes playing the piano.

she hates playing the piano.”学生做第1小题,不知所措,大部分还是选择了喜欢 “弹钢琴”。第小题几乎全对。


一、read and write (读一读,写一写)14分。




forestchocolatebrush one’s teeth( )

二、(look , read and judge)看**,读句子,作判断8分。

bob has lunch atjinan is the capital of shandong .

seven thirty-fiveyou can get there by train or by plane.

it has big ears and short legs. chen feifei gets a gift.

it likes sleepingshe’s sad.

三、(read and choose) 问答选择8分。

) sunglasses are they ?

a. it’s her sunglasses. b. they’re her sunglasses.

) many hands do you h**e ?

a. i h**e two hands. b. there’re two hands.

) go to school by underground.

a when do you go to school? b how do you go to school ?

) you like sandwiches?

a yes, i do. i like sandwiches. b i like sandwiches.


1 i回家) at 11:50.

2 we go to school乘汽车).

3 whose towel is it ? it’s __她的) towel.

4 nancy’s monkey is lost. she’s __and __又伤心又生气)

5 i去)jinan by train.

6 he __his teeth at 7:00.(刷牙)


lingling is a pretty girl. she’s not strict. she has long hair and big eyes.

she likes playing the piano. she hates playing the piano. today is lingling’s birthday.

she gets a gift. she’s surprised. she’s happy now.

1 玲玲喜欢___

a拉小提琴 b弹钢琴 c打篮球。

2 玲玲很___

a严肃 b漂亮 c丑。

3 玲玲长着___头发和___眼睛。

a长,大 b长,小 c短,大。

4 她现在很___

a 高兴 b伤心 c生气。


实验小学联谊校教学质量检测英语分析报告。一 基本情况。本次抽测共五大题,全部是笔试题。25个小题,每题2分。试题内容从单词的记忆 认读,到句子的辨认 判断 从问答对应选择到短文阅读理解,多角度地考查了学生对基础知识的掌握情况及运用能力。本片应参加检测248人全部参加,平均成绩最高47分,最低41分,...


实验小学联谊校教学质量检测英语分析报告。一 基本情况。本次抽测共五大题,全部是笔试题。25个小题,每题2分。试题内容从单词的记忆 认读,到句子的辨认 判断 从问答对应选择到短文阅读理解,多角度地考查了学生对基础知识的掌握情况及运用能力。本片应参加检测248人全部参加,平均成绩最高47分,最低41分,...


2015 2016学年度第一学期。小学数学五年级抽测试题。时间 40分钟总分 100分 一 我会填。第 题4分,其余每空2分,共30分 在 中,奇数有。偶数有质数有合数有。15的全部因数有40以内9的全部倍数有 一个数既是24的倍数,又是24的因数,这个数是 根据216 12 18,直接写出下列各题...