
发布 2022-11-12 16:19:28 阅读 7573




cat hand leg big milk

dad red shesix bag


)1. a. cat b. tallc. pig

)2. a. onb. short c. long

)3. a. big b. small c. body

)4. a. uk b. usa c. zoo

)5. a. teacher b. man c. student

)6. a. tail b. long c. big

)7. a. she b. hec. new

) 8. a. student b. desk c. chair

)9. b. grandpa c. boy

)10. a. inb. under c. map

三、看一看,读一读, 选一选, 并把单词代号填入**下面的( )里。

a组。a. teacher b. uk c. map d. chair e. desk.

b组。a. cap b. car c. milk d. man e. canada


五、读一读、选一选, 把答案填入题前( )里。

)1.--this is my friend, john.

a. i’m ten. b. goodbye. c. nice to meet you.

)2.--where are you from?

a. my name is mike. b. i’m from canada. c. i’m a boy.

)3. -nice to meet you.

a. i’m from canada. b. thank you. c. nice to meet you, too.

)4. -who’s that woman ?

a. this is my father. b. she is my mother. c. he is my father.

)5. -is he your brother?

a. yes, he is . b. really .

)6. -is it on the desk?

a. it’s on the desk. b. no, it isn’t. c. ok!

( )7. –look __the elephant! it has a long nose and big ears.

a. at . b. in c. on

( )8that boy?

he’s my friend, john.

a. where’s b. who’s c. what’s

六、选出相应的答语,把答案填入题前( )里。

) that womana: it’s in my pencil-box.

) go homeb: yes, he is.

) 3. is that man your father? c: no, it isn’t.

) is your pend. she’s my new teacher.

) 5. is it on the mape: ok!

七、根据情景选择正确的答案。将答案填入题前( )里。

) 1. 当你的好朋友要去旅行,跟你告别时,你应该对他说:__

a. h**e a good time b. welcome.

) 2.你猜想daming的书包可能在箱子里,你可以这样对他说:__

a. is it in your box? b: where is your bag?


a. who’s that girl? b. who’s that boy?

) 4. 老师把新同学玲玲介绍给大家,他应该这样说:__

a: hello! this is our new friend, lingling.

b: goodbye , lingling.

)5. 当你想约朋友一起回家时,你应该这样说。

a: let’s play. b. let’s go home.


)1. a: where is the ball

b: it’s under the chair.

) look at it. it has a long nose,

big ears and small eyes

b: yes, it is.

)3. a: who’s that boy?

b. he’s my brother.

)4. a: look, this is my family. my father, my mother ,my sister and me.

b: oh, you h**e a big family.

) 5. a: where are you from?

b: i’m from china.

九、看**,读句子,与**相符的画“ ”不相符的画“ ”

1. (the bag is on the desk.

2. (the cap is under the chair.

3. (the map is under the car.

4. (the ball is on the chair.

5. (the chair is under the desk.



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