
发布 2022-09-24 08:03:28 阅读 2707

18. what did abby discover when she started surfing? a.

she needed more equipment. b. it was good to try different surfboards.

c. her local surfing school was expensive. 2023年哈六中高一英语暑假作业。



1. how will the boy go to the beach tomorrow?

a. by car. b. by bus. c. by train.

2. where will the speakers meet?

a. at the café. b. at the bus stop. c. at the entrance to the cinema.

3. what present has the girl most probably bought for her mother?

a. a cd. b. a pen. c. a book.

4. what is the weather like now?

a. rainy. b. sunny. c. windy.

5. what is sally doing now?

a. swimming. b. playing tennis. c. taking a walk.

第二节。听下面 4 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的 a、b、c 三个选项中选出最佳选项。

听每段对话或独白前,你将有 5 秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。


6. what has the woman been given?

a. the leading role of a film.

b. the chance of naming a film.

c. the highest prize for her acting in a film.

7. how does the woman feel now?

a. surprised. b. nervous. c. expectant.


8. what is the relationship between the speakers?

a. brother and sister.

b. husband and wife.

c. mother and son.

9. where do the speakers decide to go in the end?

a. to sydney. b. to london. c. to san francisco.


10. what is the boy’s father doing?

a. ****** a telephone call. b. reading a textbook. c. surfing the internet.

11. where is the boy’s uncle now?

a. in the study. b. in the garden. c. in his bedroom.

12. what does the boy’s grandfather want to do?

a. learn to use the ipad. b. number all his cds. c. clean his room.


13. how much does the man h**e to pay to be a member of the club?

a. £b. £2. c. £5.

14. what do the shop workers do once a year?

a. they buy new films from abroad.

b. they send out a list of new films.

c. they collect information on people’s interested films.

15. what films are most people interested in?

a. american films. b. british films. c. australian films.

16. how will the man get the form?

a. he’ll pick it up himself.

b. he’ll h**e it sent by post.

c. he’ll get it from the club’s website.


17. why did abby decide to go surfing?

a. her dad wanted to teach her.

b. she saw some competitions.

c. her mum offered to buy her a board.

18. what did abby discover when she started surfing?

a. she needed more equipment.

b. it was good to try different surfboards.

c. her local surfing school was expensive.

19. what does abby say about surfing in the winter?

a. the sea is warmer than the land where she lives.

b. she wears a special suit for winter surfing.

c. there aren’t many people surfing with her.

20. what advice does abby give to teenagers interested in surfing?

a. find a good surfing school.

b. not start to surf at an early age.

c. learn surfing from other surfers.


一 分封制 一 前提。武王伐纣,西周建立。二 目的 巩固周的统治,以藩屏周。三 内容 1.周天子将土地封给 王族,功臣,先代贵族。让他们建立诸侯国,拱卫周。天子。2.被分封诸侯的义务 服从,纳贡,提供军赋力役。3被分封诸侯有权在诸侯国内实行再分封。在诸侯国内可设 建立武装,征赋役。作用 1 起初起到...


一 分封制 一 前提。武王伐纣,西周建立。二 目的 巩固周的统治,以藩屏周。三 内容 1.周天子将土地封给 王族,功臣,先代贵族。让他们建立诸侯国,拱卫周天子。2.被分封诸侯的义务 服从,纳贡,提供军赋力役。3被分封诸侯有权在诸侯国内实行再分封。在诸侯国内可设 建立武装,征赋役。作用 1 起初起到加...

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