
发布 2022-09-02 17:49:28 阅读 5827

unit 2 a telephone call

part one 基础知识。

词组:telephone call 一个** school在学校

her(宾格)给她打** lunch午饭后

to helen 和海伦通话 bad cough 严重的咳嗽

high fever高烧 absent缺席

in bed呆在床上 at home呆在家里

better soon尽快好起来 feel ill依然觉得病的

13. take some medicine吃一些药 better感觉好些

15. classes are over.所有的课结束了。 some fruit for you给你带一些水果

you soon.一会见18. anything else? 还有别的什么吗?

your mouth张开你的嘴 a lot of rest多休息

one to call选择一个打 at these numbers看这些号码

23..wrong number打错** to see a doctor去看医生

my mother想要我的妈妈 that fat monkey喜爱那只胖猴。

句型:1. how do you feel now? 你现在觉得怎么样啊?

i feel…( tired, hot, thirsty, ill…) 我觉得…(累的,热的,渴的,病的)。

i can get a / some … for you. 我能给你一个/ 一些…。

how do you feel now? i feel tired. sit here and h**e a rest ..


2. what’s wrong with you? 你怎么了?(相当于what’s the matter with you?)

i’ve got a …(fever, toothache, cold, cough…) 我得了…(发烧,牙痛,感冒,咳嗽…)。

i’m sorry to hear that. 听到这我感到很抱歉。

拓展为: what’s wrong with him? he has got a toothache. 他怎么了?他牙疼了。

what’s wrong with her? she has got a bad cold. 她怎么了?她得重感冒了。

i speak to helen ? this is helen speaking.


4. why are you absent today? 你今天为什么缺席?(=why are you not here today?)

you soon. 一会见。

6. i hope you get better soon. 我希望你尽快好起来。

难点解析。1.**用语 who’s that speaking? 请问你是谁?is that helen?你是海伦吗?

may i speak to helen? 我可以和海伦通话吗?

this is helen. /this is helen speaking. 我是海伦。

如果有人打错**,你应说sorry, wrong number.

2. absent 缺席 → be absent → be absent from school / work

why are you absent today? 你今天为什么缺席(不在)?

many students are absent today. 许多学生今天缺席了。

3. i’m sorry to hear that.我听见这些很遗憾。

4. what’s wrong with you? =what’s the matter with you?

i’ve got = i h**e got he’s got = he has got she’s got= she has got

part two (巩固练习)

unit 2 a telephone call


1. run (现在分词2. take (现在分词。

3. i’ve (完全形式4. are not (缩写形式。

5. cold (反义词6. wrong (反义词。

7. child (复数8. write (同音词。


1. 再见2. 午饭后。

3. 重感冒4. 呆在床上。

5. 吃药6. 对海伦说。

7. 多休息8. 张开你的嘴。

9. get better10. a high fever

11. go to see a doctor12. at school

13. anything else14. a lot


) 1. this is mr. green __

a. speakb. speakingc. to speak

) 2. why __you absent today?

a. dob. arec. is

) 3. helen is not __school.

a. inb. atc. for

) 4. i hope you will get __soon.

a. bestb. goodc. better

) 5. classes __over.

a. amb. isc. are

) 6. my mother’s got __

a. an earache b. a earachec. earache

) 7. i’ve __a bad cold.

a. getb. gotc. getting

) 8. let’s __her tomorrow.

a. to callb. callsc. call

) 9. _some medicine and __a lot of rest.

a. eat, takeb. take, h**e c. take, take

) 10. it’s eleven __the morning. it’s time for __

a. on, breakfast b. in, lunchc. in, supper

) 11. what’s wrong __you?

a. withb. atc. in

) 12. may i speak __su yang?

a. inb. toc. at

) 13. i feel __here’s a glass of water for you.

a. thirstyb. hungryc. tired

) 14. how __you? i’m fine.

a. isb. arec. am

) 15. why __absent today?

a. you are b. youc. are you

四、 用下面所给的词填空。

for, in, of, at, about, to, on, with

1. i’m sorry hear that.


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