
发布 2021-05-18 04:47:28 阅读 2641

六年级英语总复习(5b units1-3)

知识总结。一 .“四会”词汇、短语 ( 写出英文 )

1.汉语,中文 2.英语3.星期4.星期一。


9.她(宾格) 10.说,讲 11.坏的12.变得,得到。

13.感觉,觉得 14.感冒 15.健康的,极好的 16.收集。

17.邮票18.许多的 19.轮船20. 每一

21.伯母,阿姨 22. 叔,舅 24.严重的感冒 25.收集邮票。

26. 去购物27.浇花。

二.“三会”词汇、短语 ( 写出中文 )

1. science2. subject3. interesting4. tell

5. cough6. fever7. call8. absent

9. headache 10. number 11. hobby12. beautiful

13. classmate 14. animal 15. grow16. same

b: yes, i do. i like …he/she likes …,too. 有呢。我喜欢。 .他/她也喜欢 .


welcome back to school欢迎回到学校。

nice to see you . 见到你很高兴。

how about you? 你呢?

may i speak to我可以和 . 通话吗?

this is … speaking我是 .

i’m sorry to hear that我听见这些很遗憾。

see you soon一会儿见 。

sorry , wrong number抱歉,打错**了。

show us …,please请向我们展示 .

here they are他们在这里。

can you你能。


用法:叙述一般情况下发生的事情或状态, 经常性或习惯性的动作,在语法上我们往往都要使用到一般现在时(即使用一般现在时的语法),试体会下列句子时态,增加这方面的感悟和概念:

the man often goes to bed early in the evening. 这个男的晚上经常很早就睡觉。

my father works in the hospital. 我爸爸在医院工作。

does your teacher like watching tv? 你的老师喜欢看电视吗?

the boy is hot. 这个男孩子很热。(be动词 + 形容词)

the boys often h**e parties in the music room. 那些男孩经常在**房搞聚会。

结构:1、be型句子(即句子里动词为am, is或are)以be为助动词,注意主谓搭配。

he is a teacher. →is he a teacher? yes, he is. /no, he isn’t → what is his job?

i am / you are / he is / she is / it is / we are / you are / they are

2、 行为动词句子(do型)

1).人称为非第三人称单数,助动词为do (don’t).

my parents like watching tv in the evening. →do your parents like watching tv in the evening? yes, they do.

/no, they don’t. →what do they do in the evening?

2).若人称为第三人称单数,助动词为does (doesn’t), 肯定句时动词要有变化,否定句与疑问句动词不变(基本同名词复数变化)。

my father likes watching tv. →does your father like watch tv ?

yes, he does. /no, he doesn’t. →what does your father do in the evening?

巩固练习。一、 单项选择。

( )1. we h**e chinese and englishfriday morning.

a. in b. onc. at

) 2. there __any juice in the bottle.

a. are b. is c. isn’t

) 3. he is showing his pictures __his friends.

a. to b. for c. of

) 4. liu tao has got __bad earache.

a. the b. an c. a

( )5. my friend nancy __maths and science.

a. like b. don’t like c. likes

) 6. the boy draws __

a. careful b. carefully c. is carefully


1. she feels tired now . 对划线部分提问)

she now?

2. what’s wrong with you ? 写出同义句)


3. you , i ,soon, hope, better, get , 连词成句)

4. my brother likes going shopping . 改为否定句)

my brothershopping.

5.we h**e one art lesson in a week.(对划线部分提问)


5b复习。unit 1 a new term 一 词汇 a.单词 四会 week星期 monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday saturday,sunday subject学科 chinese,english,computer studies,pe,art,...


动词ing 1 like 5.for 2 go 6.about 3.be good at 4.be 动原 1.情态动词 can may shall would should will must 2.let 3.助动词。4.to5.help 动词三单变化规则。1 直接加 s 2 以s x ch sh ...


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